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layout like overstock.com


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I want a layout like Overstock.com ... for an example.. I want to be able to make the header stretch 100% across the site.. and have the tables layed out like they do..

a left table streching all the way down, a header stretching across, so that all my products and pages will show up in the center, like on overstock.com.


Is there a contribution that would do this? Any other suggestions for me?

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osCommerce is already set up that way, you just have to edit the header.php. As it is now the table is broken up into cells, and the logo image is in a fixed place. Change that and you are set.

Wendy James


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

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OK, but is there an easy way to add the product categories across the top of the page in a nice neat button or tabular way like that on overstock.com?


osCommerce is already set up that way, you just have to edit the header.php. As it is now the table is broken up into cells, and the logo image is in a fixed place. Change that and you are set.

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You will need to create a table with that cell structure. You will also need to create some tabs. (You will also need some nested tables)


Is this easy? If you know html and how to create your own graphics, this would take about 20-30 mintues to write up and create the graphics.

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