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Convert Product Name to UpperCase via SQL


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OK. I admin I'm a total novice. I'm new to sql. I'm a spoiled Lotus Notes developer with new clue what I'm doing yet.


All of my product names are in UPPERCASE. I know this is vweery vweery bad. Can someone please help me with an sql to conver these to propercase?



Anthony David


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If your product names are more than 1 word then it's not simple to do it in SQL - your best bet would be to knock up a PHP script and use ucwords.






$q = tep_db_query('SELECT products_id,products_description FROM ' . TABLE_PRODUCTS);


while ($row=tep_db_fetch_array($q))



tep_db_query('UPDATE ' . TABLE_PRODUCTS . ' SET products_description=\'' . tep_db_input(ucwords(strtolower($row['products_description']))) . '\' WHERE products_id=' . $row['products_id']);



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