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The e-commerce.

SQL help please


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I was uploading oscommerce.sql and received an SQL error.


Any help sorting this out would be greatly appreciated.


CREATE TABLE products(


products_id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,

products_quantity int( 4 ) NOT NULL ,

products_model varchar( 12 ) ,

products_image varchar( 64 ) ,

products_price decimal( 15, 4 ) NOT NULL ,

products_date_added datetime NOT NULL ,

products_last_modified datetime,

products_date_available datetime,

products_weight decimal( 5, 2 ) NOT NULL ,

products_status tinyint( 1 ) NOT NULL ,

products_tax_class_id int NOT NULL ,

manufacturers_id int NULL ,

products_ordered int NOT NULL default '0',

store_id int NOT NULL ,

default '0' PRIMARY KEY ( products_id ) ,

KEY idx_products_date_added( products_date_added )



#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; 'default '0'

PRIMARY KEY (products_id),

KEY idx_products_da




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I was uploading oscommerce.sql and received an SQL error.


Any help sorting this out would be greatly appreciated.


CREATE TABLE products(


products_id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,

products_quantity int( 4 ) NOT NULL ,

products_model varchar( 12 ) ,

products_image varchar( 64 ) ,

products_price decimal( 15, 4 ) NOT NULL ,

products_date_added datetime NOT NULL ,

products_last_modified datetime,

products_date_available datetime,

products_weight decimal( 5, 2 ) NOT NULL ,

products_status tinyint( 1 ) NOT NULL ,

products_tax_class_id int NOT NULL ,

manufacturers_id int NULL ,

products_ordered int NOT NULL default '0',

store_id int NOT NULL ,

default '0' PRIMARY KEY ( products_id ) ,

KEY idx_products_date_added( products_date_added )



#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax;  'default '0'

  PRIMARY KEY (products_id),

  KEY idx_products_da






that last bit should be



store_id int NOT NULL default '0',

PRIMARY KEY ( products_id ) ,


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