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what are these query strings in our urls?


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Checking our site today, www.nationaldiagnostics.com, I noticed that the urls in the links on the page have accumulated the addition of a long query string, such as:




What is this "osCsid" anyway?  Do I want to get rid of them?


They are session IDs, no you do not want to get rid of them.


When a visitor first goes to your page the osCsid is attached to URLs (thats because it can only set a cookie, if allowed, on first visit but not read them. It would need to refresh to know the cookie is set)


If user has cookies turned off the osCsid will stay there and is passed from page to page (only way to track them)


What you will want to do though is in Admin|Configuration|Sessions is set Prevent Spider Sessions to true. Download the latest spiders.txt file from the contributions area and place in your /includes directory. This will stop session ids appearing in Google etc.

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