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The e-commerce.

securing one page


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I have a web site where there are products and prices for retail.


I want to have one page with just prices for distributors. I have been searching

for info on how to secure one web page with a password and ID, but have come up dry.


I wanted to create a sub driectory and apply a htacces file to it. I just can't figure how to get a correct path to the new directory. I am not even sure what to ask.


I am sure someone must have done.....help please



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In /includes/configure.php add:


 ?define('DIR_WS_DIRECTORY', 'my_directory/');


Then link to your file like this:



 ? ?<td valign="top"><?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(DIR_WS_DIRECTORY . 'my_file.php') . '">My Link</a>'; ?></td> ?



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In /includes/configure.php add:


 ?define('DIR_WS_DIRECTORY', 'my_directory/');


Then link to your file like this:

 ? ?<td valign="top"><?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(DIR_WS_DIRECTORY . 'my_file.php') . '">My Link</a>'; ?></td> ?





I am just crazy enough to try that

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