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search box failure


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:'( Hi, I am posting again in hopes that someone will have a solution to my prob... I cant figure out why my search box takes me to a different domain name completely. I've checked my config files, I've dug thru admin looking for a setting, I've even done a search for the bad domain in all of my files. I am getting desperate... almost ready to reinstall... can anyone help me?

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I just thought I would post what I found wrong so that if anyone else tries to customize their search box into the header, watch out for this problem.


sample: http://westcoastpaintball.net


I put the search box into my header & told the form to post to a specific url like this:


<!-- search //-->
  	 <td align="left" class="headerNavigation2" valign="bottom">   <font class="headerNavigation">Search <form name="quick_find" action="http://www.westcoastpaintball.net/advanced_search_result.php" method="get"><input type="text" name="keywords" size="10" maxlength="30" style="width: 95px"> <input type="image" src="includes/languages/english/images/buttons/button_quick_find.gif" border="0" alt="Search Our Store" title=" Search Our Store "></form></td>
<!-- search_eof //-->


I cant remember why I did it this way, but at some point, I decided that this store would make a good template for another one I was building, and this got overlooked. So, the moral of the story, check the obvious first. :rolleyes:

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