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Student Billing and Tracking


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I'd like to setup a student billing and tracking system using osc as a base. Here's the requirements:


1) Classes are ongoing

2) students will purchase a 'block' of classes (4 weeks, 8 weeks, etc.)

3) After student attends class - teacher (or admin) logs in a 'ticks' off attendance


4) Admins can view a calendar page that will have links to classes and times.

5) click on one of the the above classes will show details for class (teacher, students, enrolled, how many classes left each student has, etc...)


6) various admin reports will also need to be created.


I've already got osc installed and configured (somewhat) however, I'm not sure where to take it to accomplish everything. Some experienced guidance is needed. I'm willing to pay someone for assistance.


Please contact me directly if interest and feel you can help.





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