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US dropdown box including more than US

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I've just installed the contribution for State list dropdown and US default country. I have to say thank you to everyone involved in this contribution!


Looks GREAT except for 1 thing - ther are much more tahn the 50 US states on there. How do I get rid of the other? I have anything from A Coruna to Zurich.

My site is http://bgsoycandle.com/ecommerce/os/catalog/ if anyone wants to see what I'm talking about.


I have gone into my webhosting to make sure German and Spanish files are deleted.

I have gone into the admin page of oscommerce to find the things to delete, but I'm not finding them. I've deleted all the countries except for USA. I've looked in Locations/Zones, among other places.


I'm just not sure where to search for them next.





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I've just installed the contribution for State list dropdown and US default country.  I have to say thank you to everyone involved in this contribution!


Looks GREAT except for 1 thing - ther are much more tahn the 50 US states on there.  How do I get rid of the other?  I have anything from A Coruna to Zurich. 

My site is http://bgsoycandle.com/ecommerce/os/catalog/ if anyone wants to see what I'm talking about.


I have gone into my webhosting to make sure German and Spanish files are deleted.

I have gone into the admin page of oscommerce to find the things to delete, but I'm not finding them.  I've deleted all the countries except for USA.  I've looked in Locations/Zones, among other places.


I'm just not sure where to search for them next.







I've found this on the right side & am wondering if this is where to edit?


United States


ISO Code (2): US


ISO Code (3): USA


Address Format: 2

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       $zones_query = tep_db_query("select zone_name from " . TABLE_ZONES . " where zone_country_id = 223'" . (int)$country . "' order by zone_name");


I thought maybe if I changed the country id to 223 (found in phpmyadmin) it might help, but so far no good.

Help, please?????

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Please, can someone help me get rid of the extra states that show up on my pull down box?

I tried adding back Germany and Mexico, but all that did was have Germany and Mexico show up when I pulled down the country box and the country box is supposed to only be USA.

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