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download files attribute in easy populate


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Hi folks.

This is al very very new to me I am an absolute beginner in oscommerce. The easy populate contribute is great I wonder however if it is possible to add downloadable files to the txt file. That is the name of the files and the location (in subdirs of the download dir) downloaded after the payment is validated.




Willard jansen, the Netherlands

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you can not modify the file location within osCommerce for the file being put in a different other than download.

you can populate the filename, you just need to add that one field to easypopulate.php making sure it goes to the right spot.


this thread will be merged with the easypopulate support thread.

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thanks mibble, so all the download files must be in /download? No dubdirs allowed?

Could you please show me how to add that field? I really don't have a clue.


I sell my skydiving (www.skydivestock.com) images in 2 sizes and 2 licences. Only the size variable makes a difference as to which file has to be downloaded. If the choose size a image_a.jpg or image_b.jpg when they choose size b.


greetings, willard

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