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Coolmenu placement + left col. help


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Hey all.


I might be the newest member, i just found out about Osc resently.


I have setup a shop with the the test catalog, my next goual was to install cool menu, however.... The coolmenu removes the oroginal menu and replaces it, but the Manufacturers bar is now placed under the cool menu and the coolmenu has a width longer then the col? :huh:


Im not really good with PHP and cant really figure out how to solve my problem, can anyone help ? :'(



ohh....i just followd the instructions from coolmenu itself, no other changes.





Plz have a look here. http://www.bluetooth-headset.dk

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Have a look in includes/coolmenu.php. That seems to be the setup file for the menu. I have not messed with it too much, but I think you can specify the width of the column, speed of rollover etc. Any ideas as to how I can get it installed. My menu does not even appear. A blank space is now there??



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Have a look in includes/coolmenu.php. That seems to be the setup file for the menu. I have not messed with it too much, but I think you can specify the width of the column, speed of rollover etc. Any ideas as to how I can get it installed. My menu does not even appear. A blank space is now there??




Well because of that little problem i found out how to place it so it looks good, however the position of the menu is based on space from the top and left in pixels, right? :) What I would like to know is how do i keep it inside a table?


Now to your problem, from what I understand you should add,


<!-- coolMenu //-->

<?php require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'coolmenu.php'); ?>

<!-- coolMenu_eof //-->


Right below,


<body marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" topmargin="0" bottommargin="0" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0">


In every file in you catalog dir. - you don thave to include sub dirs.


Hope it helps.



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