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The e-commerce.

major problem


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hello everybody.


i seem to have a major problem on my website.


most of my items have Value Added Tax applied but some dont seem to as my business partner never added it in the config. please how can i add VAT to all products on my website without having to go through over 2000 products to sort them out.


thanx in advance. i know someone can help

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If the problem is that some products are in the "taxable goods" and others are not, then we can write up a quick SQL command to change them ALL to be in that category.


Let me know if that's the problem and I'll quickly get the script.



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There is more than one way to do this, but this one should work just as well as any other.



2) go into Admin >> Locations/Taxes >> Tax Rates. Find the tax rate entry you want to assign to all of your products. It's probably the only one listed, and it's probably called "Taxable Goods". Click on it. Look at the URL in your browser. It should look something like this: http://<blah>/admin/tax_rates.php?pa...D=1&action=edit . It might have the osCAdminID after it. In any case, look at this part: ID=1 . That's the ID of this particular tax class. If yours says ID=2, then your tax class ID is 2.

3) in phpMyAdmin, click on the SQL tab. Once you have th SQL command window, run the following command:

UPDATE products SET products_tax_class_id = '1' where products_tax_class_id = '0'


That should do it!



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I really don't know at much as it might seem - - I'm just good at remembering where little pieces of info are that I've read in contributions, other posts, etc.


This one is just something I picked up from Chris Bradley's (wizardsandwars) Newsletter Unsubscribe contrib readme (near the bottom).


Plus, I had to do this exact thing in my own store once. :)



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