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Error message re: download directory?


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Hi - I've been muddling my way through the tutorials here trying to learn all this php stuff, but this one I just can not figure out on my own. I followed the tutorial for adding downloads to my site, and I don't know what I did but I get the following error message:


Warning: The downloadable products directory does not exist: /home/somethin/public_html/shopdownload/. Downloadable products will not work until this directory is valid.


Does anyone know offhand what I did and how I can fix it? Also, if you know of any other decent tutorials on adding downloads to a site, I'd be happy if you could point me in their direction. I've done many searches on here but I;ve only found the one on the Knowledge Base page so far.


If you need to see my site it's HERE


It's amess at the moment but I'm getting there.


Thanks so much,


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Thank you so so much for your quick reply!!

OK - still having a bit of trouble though-

I looked in shop/includes/configure.php and I can't find the line that contains that text.


Am I blind or am I simply looking in the wrong place? maybe neither or both!



Your error is in your configure.php file.  Look at the error, and you'll see a missing backslash:




should be:





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OK disregard my second question - it's fixed now!! Thank you very very much for your help Vger!



Thank you so so much for your quick reply!!

OK - still having a bit of trouble though-

I looked in shop/includes/configure.php and I can't find the line that contains that text.


Am I blind or am I simply looking in the wrong place?  maybe neither or both!

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