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The e-commerce.

Currency code melts together with price


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It is a bit annoying that the Currency code is written together with the amount of buy. This occurs both on screen and in mail.


The Wheel Of Time



It should be

The Wheel Of Time

SEK 99.99


Another example I got from an Online shop in Sweden, as they "solved" the problem by putting the currency "Kr" (swedish short for Kronor) directly to the right side of price, but it shuold be correctly <36.00 Kr.> with a space in between.


Waggler. Specialista Peacock 5.0g



Same in EURO <99.31EUR> and other currencies as well.


I have looked at several live web shops and the same phenomena exists everywhere


Probably simple to solve for a skilled programmer, which I am not... but I?ve tried different ways now with no results. Adding a space to the right or lef of currency SEK in admin will not work, as space is obviously not appliciable here. it goes away when displayed. I?ve also tried to add < > as well, works on screen occasionly, but on mail looks terrible.


Any clue for a fix?


Best of all from a sunny Sweden.



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