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Adding product ID?


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Ive done some searching in contributions and on the forum.

I need to add product id or product numbers to every product, so that I can see witch product someone has ordered. Can you help me with this?





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Ive done some searching in contributions and on the forum.

I need to add product id or product numbers to every product, so that I can see witch product someone has ordered. Can you help me with this?







Why wouldn't the built in model number work for this?

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Well I need to give them unique product numbers, so that they would match with manufacturers product numbers.

When entering a new product into your catalog, just enter the unique product number into the Model Number field.

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product id #'s are automatic and unique, model #'s are optional yet recommended, as well as being inserted into categories.

as recommended go into your catalog in store admin and add a product model # to each product and if not already, place them into categories.

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Well, Im using the model category for something else, so I need a new thing.

Ill just need to try to get a allready made contrib and change it someway. BUt my php knowledge is too small...



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