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Now I know this has nothing to do with OSC as such, so please forgive me for that, but I've been happily updating my store for the last two weeks, and since yesterday I've been getting the message "Windows cannot access this folder.. The FTP session was terminated." I've searched the net and done everything I can think of, including emptying caches, launching command prompts etc, but nothing's working. I'm sure I haven't had my service discontinued from my host since I can access the cPanel, the OSC store itself, and the admin. All the rest works, except the FTP.


I'd really appreciate any help as I'm getting desperate.

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Hi Alex, using Windows' built-in FTP client has strange results sometimes.


I'd suggest using a true FTP client, like BulletProof FTP (www.bpftp.com), CuteFTP (www.cuteftp.com), etc.. And if there are any errors, you'll see the actual errors from the server, instead of the Windows interpretation of the error.


Also you may have to turn Passive (PASV) mode on or off, depending on it you're behind a firewall/router.. (ON if behind, usually)


Hope this helps!


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I would definitely recommend using Passive Mode when FTP'ing to your site. The lack of it could be the reason your connection keeps getting terminated.


The Windows FTP client is a bit of a joke really, and not for serious website owners. I would recommend WS FTP Pro. You get a 30 day trial version, after which it doesn't cost a fortune to register.



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