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Having a '3 Products for ?50' type sale?


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Hi all,


My client wants to have a '3 products for ?50' type sale. Basically, they have a line of 10 shirts, and they want customers to be able to purchase any 3 shirts for a set price.


Is this possible? I've searched the contributions, and found the bundled products contrib, but I don't want to specify which items are included in the bundle - the customer should be able to choose any from the 10 products available.


Is this possible?


Thanks :)

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I'll have it done within the next week or so; the basics are done :) How good it will be remains to be seen :D


That's cool.


Have you got any further?


According to the boss the site can't go live without this special offer on it :angry:



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i'm looking for a contribution like this too!!! i've also got "Seperate Pricing Per Customer" installed... so don't know how it will run next to this!..



look forward to seeing it in action..

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Hey guys,


It's done - well, 90% done :) The engine behind it works (with multiple sale groups!), now I just need to do the management side (adding new sale offers, etc). It needs to be done for my client early next week (Aug 1) so will hopefully have it in the contributions section by the end of the week (as I am on holidays from then for a fortnight).


Nice to see others interested :)


What it does:


- you create a new sale Offer (e.g. 3 shirts for ?50)

- you select shirts to go in the offer (still deciding how to do this)

- on checkout, it checks whether the products in the customers carts are part of an offer; if so, and they have enough, it will display the discount amount next to the sale's name, and take it off the final pricing.


Sound ok?

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This is fantastic news. Can you let us know when its available?


Thanks Mark!


Yes I will post here when I've uploaded it to the contributions section :)


Anyway, it's complete now. I'm adding it to my client's site tomorrow, so barring any unforseen problems it will be up for you all by the end of the week. I need to document the file changes (not many). It won't be the prettiest contribution around, but it'll work and give a foundation to improve upon!

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Is there any chance of having the files today without the instructions?


I'm pretty desperate for it now and could test it on a test site before actually using it..


If you are not happy with this then thats ok. :)



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I am going to post this into the contributions section today (if it lets me! Never done it before:)).


Note: this is VERY rough; although I have it working on a LIVE store, the instructions I will be providing are VERY basic due to not having time to put as much effort into it as I'd like.


I will work on improving them at a later date, but naturally you're all welcome to dive in and do it yourself :)


The code is not perfect, and may have some PHP purists up in arms, but it WORKS *for me*.


I'll post here again when it's up :)



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I should note: we use OscMax, so I don't know how close to the 'normal' OsCommerce the files are. So, be warned, there may be some variation! :'(


But I'm sure a determined individual won't be daunted :blink:

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Haha :)


My email address is in the instructions, so anyone is free to email me if you have questions. I won't be able to offer hands-on help until end August, though. But plow through it, and it should be clear enough!

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Haha :)


My email address is in the instructions, so anyone is free to email me if you have questions. I won't be able to offer hands-on help until end August, though. But plow through it, and it should be clear enough!


well i've just had a go at installing it..


going backwards through the one file was a bit wierd.. but ok..

also i noticed your one SQL find had p.products_bundle whereas this was not found in my code.. not really a problem either though...


apart from that installed ok...


click my admin link and had an error.. which i sorted out by doing this:


in:   /shop/admin/includes/filenames.php


 define('FILENAME_REVIEWS', 'reviews.php');

add after:

 define('FILENAME_SALE_OFFERS', 'sale_offers.php');


in:   /shop/admin/includes/database_tables.php

 define('TABLE_REVIEWS_DESCRIPTION', 'reviews_description');

add after:

 define('TABLE_SALE_OFFERS', 'sale_offers');


Those are the only problems found so far and they're only tiny :)

now for testing ;)


again.. thanks a lot for this contribution! :)

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ooopsss... no... little problem...


i didn't have a module to turn on in Modules > Order Total

(but i don't think this matters)


i could still add a sale offer though:


i added a special offer - 4 for ?10





when i "Edit" a product, the pull down menu at the top entitled "Sale Offers" does not have any information inside it. i can't therefore select a special offer for the product i am editing...



does anyone know the code we need to add to get this to work? i think it's something to do with this:


<td class="main"><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '24', '15') . ' ' . tep_draw_pull_down_menu('onsale', $offer_array, $pInfo->onsale); ?></td>


trying to do the tep_draw_pull_down_menu part...

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i also think that you need to rename the following file from the .zip:


Sale Offer\admin\includes\languages\english\sale_offers.php


to ot_sales.php


and upload it to:




This will then let you install the module as per the instructions.


you also need to edit this file and add in something like this:


define('MODULE_QTY_DISCOUNT_TITLE','3 Products for ?50 type sale');

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you also need to add this into your /admin/categories.php file in the top part near to simlar bits of code:



$offer_array = array(array('id' => '', 'text' => TEXT_NONE));
$offer_query = tep_db_query("select id, name from " . TABLE_SALE_OFFERS . " order by id");
while ($offer = tep_db_fetch_array($offer_query)) {
$offer_array[] = array('id' => $offer['id'],
        	 text' => $offer['name']);

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