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Credit Class/Gift Vouchers/Discount Coupons


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I installed Credit Class/Gift Vouchers/Discount Coupons (Version 5.10).


Everything works great except when customers proceed to paypal payment, it doesnt show the discounted amount. It charges the item amount plus the shipping charge.



Item: 7.99

Shipping: 1.99

Discount: -0.80

Total: 9.19


When continue with paypal, it shows $9.98 instead of $9.19


Please help as customers are having difficult time and i cant find the solution.


Thanks in Advance

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I have exactly the same problem - so I'd like to know the answer too :-)


Basically Paypal is debiting the funds from the SUBTOTAL not the TOTAL


I guess this wasn't a problem until the discounts were applied as these 2 values were always the same.


I think however that it may be the PayPal IPN contribution that we've applied that may need to be tweaked rather than the CCGV one...


Any helpers would be greatly received!






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I have exactly the same problem - so I'd like to know the answer too :-)


Basically Paypal is debiting the funds from the SUBTOTAL not the TOTAL


I guess this wasn't a problem until the discounts were applied as these 2 values were always the same.


I think however that it may be the PayPal IPN contribution that we've applied that may need to be tweaked rather than the CCGV one...


Any helpers would be greatly received!






I fixed this problem. Go to your admin menu and go to Payment Modules, click on Paypal (Credit/Debit Card) and change the Transaction Type to Aggregate. That's it!

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