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The e-commerce.



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Could anyone show me how to install it on my web.


As per instruction, the web based configuration procedure is started in a web browser, by going to:




What is my-server.com? Is it mydomain.com? Do I need to create a new web page first called mydomain/osCommerce before installation?


Many Thanks




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my-server is just an example of your domain name.

do you have a web based cpanel to install the store with?

do you have a domain name?

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then you should be able to install no problem


Sorry, I have little technical knowledge and can not understand the installation instructions totally. I tried to upload the package to /var/www/html, but it only accepted files, not folders. Which file should I upload?


Someone told me if I upload the compressed files to the server and would like to extract it on the server, run:


gunzip oscommerce.tar.gz - I will get oscommerce.tar, then run

tar -xvf oscommerce.tar - I will get oscommerce folder with all files in it.


The above commands must be run via SSH.


Is it the only way to do it?


How about FTP?


Could you please give me step-by-step instructions written by plain language. I am not sure whether I can DIY but I have to make a try because of our budget.


Thank you very much in advance.



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You need to FTP all of the files and the folders inside the 'catalog' folder to the root of your domain. In FTP this will be the /var/www/html/ level. Then check to make sure that all folders (not the files in them) have permissions set to 755 or 777. Also set the permissions of the two configure.php files to 777 for the duration of the install (so the install can write data into them).


Once you've done that you need to go to your web hosting control panel and set up a blank database.


Then go to http://www.yourdomain.com/install and begin the install procedure. You'll need to know your db-server (usually localhost), your db user name and password (provided by your hosting company) and the name of the database you just set up.


Do not enable ssl at this stage, do elect to store sessions in the database and not in files, and do not select the tick box for using persistent connections. You should now be able to complete the install.


Post-install you need to delete the 'install' folder, create a folder called 'backups' inside the 'admin' folder, and reset the permissions on the two configure.php files to Read Only.


Then you need to Password Protect the 'admin' folder so that only you can access it.



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