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help with having category name as heading title


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right now when you click on a category it just says:

"Let's See What We Have Here" which is what is defined as the HEADING_TITLE for the index.php page. the code that pulls up that header is:


<?php echo HEADING_TITLE; ?>


what should i put so it displays the category name as the heading title instead of the defined "Let's See What We Have Here"?


i thought it was something like

<?php echo $categories_name; ?>

but i can't get that to work.


any help would be appreciated.



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echo HEADING_TITLE . '\'' . $tree[$current_category_id]['name'] . '\'';



Oh, should probably mention there are atleast 3 or 4 contributions that tell you how to do change the title, headings and so on.

Wendy James


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

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echo HEADING_TITLE . '\'' . $tree[$current_category_id]['name'] . '\'';





the code you posted actually caused it to display:

Let's See What We Have Here 'Category Name'


i just wanted Category Name so i trimmed the code to:

<?php echo $tree[$current_category_id]['name']; ?>


thanks again

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