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I am trying to install OSC on my hosting server and hitting barriers all along with install.php. I have used a work around to manually run oscmmerce.sql and this seems to have worked ok. I am lead to believe (from other posts) that the rest of the install program just changes some entries in the configuration file. Could someone please point me in the direction of documentation or guides as to what to do next?

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Assuming you installed it into the root of your domain, then you have to edit two configure.php files, one in includes/ and one in admin/includes/ to add your setup information - if not added by the install.


http_server = http://www.yourdomain.com

https_server = leave blank

enable_ssl = false

http_cookie_domain = www.yourdomain.com

https_cookie_domain leave blank

http_catalog = '/'

https_catalog = leave blank


db_server = localhost

use_pconnect = false

define_store sessions = 'mysql'


DIR_FS_CATALOG = this will depend on the path to the root of your domain e.g. /var/www/html/ or /var/www/public_html etc. Find out from your hosting company if you don't already know.



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