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FirePay / Surefire / Optimal Payments


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Hey guys,

I need your help once again. I have instaled several versions of the FirePay / Surefire / Optimal Payments contributionand they all seem to not work for me. I have Curl so that is not the prolem and I have a test account so that is not the problem either when I test the payment module I get this readout






[merchantTxn] => 6-20050712120100

[cardNumber] => 4387751111011

[cardType] => VI

[cvdValue] => 123

[cardExp] => 07/07

[cvdIndicator] => 1

[amount] => 803

[custName1] => Goth, Robert

[streetAddr] => 34 Where am I

[city] => Lethbridge

[province] => Alberta

[zip] => T1T 2T2

[country] => Canada

[phone] => 444-448-8888

=> [email protected]

[account] => XXXXXX

[merchantId] =>XXXXX

[merchantPwd] => XXXXX

[clientVersion] => 1.1

[operation] => P









[] =>





XXXXX in the above printou were removed for security reasons.


Any way does any one know why I do not get any return Paramaters?

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I am going to suggest the easy things first.

1)When installing the different versions they all add fields to the configuration table in your DB, can you check to make sure that you only have 1 instance of all the tables added (they are listed in the modules/firepay.php file at the bottom).

2)Also have you had Optimal configure your dedicated IP for use with the test account? 3)Also does your account information in your admin look similar to;

Account Number: 99999999

Merchant ID: a1bb2c333-4de5-CAD

Merchant Password: Abcd@efg

4)I am not sure about this but it might need a certain port open, try calling Optimal at 1-888-709-8753 and they will let you know.


Are the input and output parameters showing up on your screen???



Edited by Java Roasters
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