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Vertical Scrolling text


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Hello, i have a vertical scrolling text box located on my site, but it doesnt work in firefox. here is the link to my temp website


My Webpage


the scroller is uner the What's Happening section on the front page. If anybody could tell my why this doesnt work in firefox, or knows of a scroller like this that will work, i would appreciate it. thanks

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Hello, i have a vertical scrolling text box located on my site, but it doesnt work in firefox.  here is the link to my temp website


My Webpage


the scroller is uner the What's Happening section on the front page.  If anybody could tell my why this doesnt work in firefox, or knows of a scroller like this that will work, i would appreciate it.  thanks


Not related to osCommerce so unlikely to get a comprehensive answer. I suggest you do a search in Google for javascript text scrollers (any you find check which browsers they are compatible with)

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