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Order went though Paypal but not on admin


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Hi! I wanted to know if anyone can help me shed some light on how this happened. We have a store in production and in test. I can't seem to get this issue to duplicate.


(On our live site) We had a customer who ordered a book, and it didn't show him anywhere in the admin that he had an order. Also that he had visted that page at all. He showed as 0. However, when we were contacted, and looked at our paypal... he did have an order. The whole total that was charged was just like if he ordered it in the store, he even was shown as charged for shipping. I also do not see anything in the shipping area for the order. It is like the order never happened on OSC.



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common issue.


Search for the PayPal IPN contribution for more information.


NOTE: As of Oct 2006, I'm not as active in this forum as I used to be, but I still work with osC quite a bit.

If you have a question about any of my posts here, your best bet is to contact me though either Email or PM in my profile, and I'll be happy to help.

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With the standard PayPal module if a customer completes the order at PayPal but does not hit the 'Continue' button to return to your store then the order is completed with PayPal but nothing comes back to you, nothing gets entered into the database, and no order e-mails get fired off.


Either install the stand-alone PayPal IPN module maintained by osCommerce Team Members, or else go to PayPal and in your account turn on the 'auto-return' feature. With 'auto-return' set it doesn't matter if they hit the continue button or not.



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With the standard PayPal module if a customer completes the order at PayPal but does not hit the 'Continue' button to return to your store then the order is completed with PayPal but nothing comes back to you, nothing gets entered into the database, and no order e-mails get fired off.


Either install the stand-alone PayPal IPN module maintained by osCommerce Team Members, or else go to PayPal and in your account turn on the 'auto-return' feature.  With 'auto-return' set it doesn't matter if they hit the continue button or not.



Where can I be directed on how to install the IPN module?


Thanks for also the tip on the paypal and the explanation!



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I had the same problem, but with a VIAKLIX module. I ended up dowloading the held order contribution for a quick fix, but I later found out WHY It was happening. For some reason your orderprocess.php file (this is the file that updates the order in Admin and sends you a nice email) is being passed over and it is going straight to checkout success. You can either address the problem (why is it skipping it) or do what I did and write a piece of handler code in your checkout success that does BLANK if your checkoutprocess hasn't run yet. Good luck.



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I had the same problem, but with a VIAKLIX module. I ended up dowloading the held order contribution for a quick fix, but I later found out WHY It was happening. For some reason your orderprocess.php file (this is the file that updates the order in Admin and sends you a nice email) is being passed over and it is going straight to checkout success. You can either address the problem (why is it skipping it) or do what I did and write a piece of handler code in your checkout success that does BLANK if your checkoutprocess hasn't run yet. Good luck.



Thanks for your reply, well I need to do both. My job wants me to exactly find out why it was happening and I also need it fixed so writing handler code will also be done. Just as I was getting into this, I have 2 other issues for the site that they want fixed first. :-"

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  • 2 months later...
Thanks for your reply, well I need to do both. My job wants me to exactly find out why it was happening and I also need it fixed so writing handler code will also be done. Just as I was getting into this, I have 2 other issues for the site that they want fixed first. :-"

They are now happy that the IPN works and fixes the problem. :) We found out though that Paypal changed thier service to paypal and paypal pro. The paypal forced, to go to the site by passing everything. The paypal pro allows intergration. However by using the OSC Paypal IPN and modifictions to Paypal.. it works the way it should.

Just wanted to give an explination of what we found.


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