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Perishable Items Handling Charge


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I am launching a cart this week for a client who threw me a curve ball yesterday. This is a gourmet food store and they are selling pershable and non-perishable items. Is there a way to mark meats and cheeses so that there can be an additional handling charge for a refrigeration box (cost is $10 for one of these) to be added if any perishable items like cheese or meat are ordered.


Is there a contribution that handles this or something I can do to make it so that if someone orders 5 cheeses and 2 steaks they will automatically be charge overnight shipping and a fee for the special packaging required?


The cart is not live yet, but you can view it at www.cooksfreshmarket.com/catalog

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I don't think i want it to apply per product because if I purchase 6 cheeses, I don't want to pay $10 for each one I put in the cart. I think I need a flag that tells the cart to charge $10 handling and will only allow the customer to select an overnight if ANY perishables were ordered.

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