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Using a syntax highlighter??


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Well, I decided to try to manage my own php problems by downloading and installing a syntax editor. Now, this program has said it cannot debug my scripts because I have no php installed. I've looked but I cannot see how to point it to my online folder.


What I need to know is if there are a couple files I can transfer from my host site to my harddrive to get the program to work? It says it requires php.ini. Should this be somewhere in my files for OSC or is it something I have to download and install as a stand-alone program?




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Ok.. I downloaded and fake installed php. Now, the program runs the debug and tells me where the errors are. Wonderful! Except.. it doesn't explain how to fix the errors. I tried getting support from the program website, but none was to be had.


I guess I need recommendations for a program that holds your hand. I am currently trying to use PHP Designer 2005. So, if you know of a good program that basically says "If you want "A" to happen, you need to do this." and not "T_variable error on line 34". OR if you know how to get PHP Designer to show me how to correct (or perform autocorrect as it is supposed to), please bestow upon me your wisdom.


All help is greatly appreciated!



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