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Advice from my host regarding storing CC numbers


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Hi everyone.


I'm nearly finished with my site. I have it online and SSL is inplace. My host has firewalls and my admin section is well passworded. I stress that I am not 'live' yet but I will be fairly soon.


I was letting him know what I was up to and he advised me to do several things:


1) To store CC numbers locally (best practice), but if I really have to store them online:

2) To encrypt them with md5..


I have to be honest in that I have a faint idea of what he means by md5 but I don't have any idea of how you'd do that with osC.


What are people's views on this? Obviously there are best practices, and then practices that are slightly more economically viable / easier to impliment.


How have other people got on?


On a similar note, I'm going to be doing the CC transactions manually. This means I'll be inputting the data manually into a terminal. I'm using the stock CC module with half the cc number stored online (https admin section) and the other half of the cc number is emailed to me. I've read about having an https email connection but is this really necessary?


Views? Where am I going wrong and is there anything I really need to do?

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I can't help with the credit card processing question, but


I don't understand why shop owners want to fool with the credit card thing when PAYPAL will do it for you. The customer doesn't need to have a PAYPAL account to pay. PAYPAL takes ALL forms of payment. All you have to do is install PAYPAL in the Admin options and your ready to go.


Anyway,... I prefer PAYPAL as a customer, because I know the merchant will never see my credit card, and I know that they can't come back later and charge more to my bank card account. Also I have a visual record in MY Paypal account of the transaction. And the shopowner just has to click the Refund, button if I want a refund.



PayPal Enthusiast!

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