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The e-commerce.

I need some help....


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There are so many various contributions.....so maybe someone can help me with choosing the one i need...

1. which contr. help me in deleting for example 100 products easily.

2. which contr. help me in adding a lot of products and attributes.

3. Is there any contr. that heklp me in creating such thing http://www.pch.co.il/builder/??

thanks you a lot.......

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There are so many various contributions.....so maybe someone can help me with choosing the one i need...

1. which contr. help me in deleting for example 100 products easily.

2. which contr. help me in adding a lot of products and attributes.



Easy Populate should help you do #2. it took me a while to install it properly, but after I did, it saved me many hours of work for uploading items and making alterations to large numbers of items. It may have a delete function as well, but I'm not sure.

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Easy Populate should help you do #2.  it took me a while to install it properly, but after I did, it saved me many hours of work for uploading items and making alterations to large numbers of items.  It may have a delete function as well, but I'm not sure.


I can't get how it works......

may you explain me...

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I can't get how it works......

may you explain me...


Go to the download page for Easy Populate and download the most recent version. Inside the zip file there will be a readme.txt or readme.htm file. Open it and follow the directions for install. Make sure you read all the documentation before you install AND BACKUP YOUR DATABASE BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING. In fact, BACK UP YOUR DATABASE BEFORE YOU EVEN GO TO THE DOWNLOAD SITE.

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