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Multiple Images and Thumbnails?


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This has probably been asked before but I have had no luck finding it in the forum. I want to use 3 different sizes of images for my products, a small size (75x75) for the thumbnail image, a medium (255x300) for the product info page, and a large (800x900) for the popup. Currently osCommerce resizes the product image but I don't want it to do this I want it to use the 75x75 thumbnail images for this and then the 255x300 images for the product info pic. Can this be done? If so how?


Also I have on average 4 images for each product and would like to display three 75x75 thumbnails under the 255x300 product image, when a user clicks on the thumbnail a popup appears displaying the 800x900 image of that product. Is this possible? My PHP skills are very limited so any help would be appreciated.

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This has probably been asked before but I have had no luck finding it in the forum. I want to use 3 different sizes of images for my products, a small size (75x75) for the thumbnail image, a medium (255x300) for the product info page, and a large (800x900) for the popup. Currently osCommerce resizes the product image but I don't want it to do this I want it to use the 75x75 thumbnail images for this and then the 255x300 images for the product info pic. Can this be done? If so how?


Also I have on average 4 images for each product and would like to display three 75x75 thumbnails under the 255x300 product image, when a user clicks on the thumbnail a popup appears displaying the 800x900 image of that product. Is this possible? My PHP skills are very limited so any help would be appreciated.


Are you and Zuncan the same person :o




maybe you guys should work together to solve it.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I've just joined this forum, and am less than a newby in OSCommerce, and I'm facing a similar problem. I checked the reference you give, but I can't really find an answer.


I'm using some of those pre-configured installations in my hosting ISP, and I find that I can only upload 1 image for the products. Then that image is made to fit into the thumbnail zize. Not good at all, as I end up with a 25Kb thumbnail, which is crazy.


How do I do to upload, 2 images (thumbnail and large), or 3 images (thumbnail, large, and very large)? I've seen several OScommerce sites that show 3 images. I don't know if they just upload one, or the 3 of them separately.

Are there any settings in OScommerce that tells it what kind of uploading scheme I want to use?


Many anticipated thanks. Any help will be appreciated,

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