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[Contribution]Paypal IPN - Devosc


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Hello all,


i installed PayPal_Shopping_Cart_IPN_v3.1.5 - Devosc in my OSC. (local server php5,iis without email support)

the installation wars ok i guess, but if i try to test it with a paypal sandbox account,

and use the IPN Test Panel i dont know whats going on, in my admin order details i have this:


Transaction Activity

Date Status Details Aktion Gross Fee Net Amount

No PayPal Transaction Information Available (8e28c2aaxyz1323a87xyz2aee02fcxyz)


i guess this is the Transaction ID for the test panel ?

but the test panel Transaction ID field size is only 17 characters long ?

i changed the size but i get a white screen if i click on (Test IPN).


i changed the error enable settings in application_top.inc.php, but no error wars reportet.

what is wrong ? where shell i start search ?


hope someone can help my .


regards kai

Hi Kai


It is pretty hard to do a proper test without having email.


You do not need to test this contrib in sandbox. It is too painfull.

The number you quoted should be your digest key (inmho), and should not be divulvged. Perhaps someone can delete that info from the thread.

I think that you are at the stage where you should install it on the web and test it there.

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Hi Donna


There are many paypal ipn contribs.

This thread is for PayPal_Shopping_Cart_IPN



That is the cont. i just installed V3.1.5. I have managed to get by that erro by unchecking the cart test option. However now i'm being informed that No PayPal Transaction Information Available. Is this due to my test being in sandbox? Or is this another error?


Best regards



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That is the cont. i just installed V3.1.5. I have managed to get by that erro by unchecking the cart test option. However now i'm being informed that No PayPal Transaction Information Available. Is this due to my test being in sandbox? Or is this another error?


Best regards



Hi Donna


I never use sandbox. I just use the ipn test panel as per the install instructions. The No PayPal Transaction Information Available means that nothing has come from paypal. I would not expect to get any info from paypal on a test panel test.


Have you set up all of the the stuff (what a great word) under your paypal profile at paypal? Once that is done, just make sure that the OSC admin has all of its stuff set as per the install instructions. If you have, then everything should work. If you want further info, just ask.

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Hi Donna


I never use sandbox. I just use the ipn test panel as per the install instructions. The No PayPal Transaction Information Available means that nothing has come from paypal. I would not expect to get any info from paypal on a test panel test.


Have you set up all of the the stuff (what a great word) under your paypal profile at paypal? Once that is done, just make sure that the OSC admin has all of its stuff set as per the install instructions. If you have, then everything should work. If you want further info, just ask.

I think it was attributed to the sandbox as now all is working...just about....


everything works until the redirec when i receive this error:


Fatal error: Undefined class name 'paypal_osc' in /home/dtotrans/public_html/ladyloving/checkout_success.php on line 34


Now i'm not really sure what to do next, this refers to the following piece of code, as added as per the instructions:


//begin PayPal_Shopping_Cart_IPN
tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, $notify_string));
} else if ((isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['action']) && $HTTP_GET_VARS['action'] == 'success')) {
//end PayPal_Shopping_Cart_IPN


lol...i dont have much luck with paypal payments i'm afraid....




Best Regards



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I think it was attributed to the sandbox as now all is working...just about....


everything works until the redirec when i receive this error:

Now i'm not really sure what to do next, this refers to the following piece of code, as added as per the instructions:


//begin PayPal_Shopping_Cart_IPN
tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, $notify_string));
} else if ((isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['action']) && $HTTP_GET_VARS['action'] == 'success')) {
//end PayPal_Shopping_Cart_IPN


lol...i dont have much luck with paypal payments i'm afraid....




Best Regards



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Hi Donna


I think somewhere that something was missed in the install. if all of the new files have been copied across, as well as the edited the edited files. I would suggest that you PM devosc with what is happening.

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Hi Donna


I think somewhere that something was missed in the install. if all of the new files have been copied across, as well as the edited the edited files. I would suggest that you PM devosc with what is happening.


Well i checked the installation, and paypal_osc has been called twice in the instructions, once in application_top.php and once in checkout_sucess.php but has not been defined anywhere in the instructions. I guess the installation assumes that this has been defined previously.


Now i i have Credit Class installed, and i think a few people with that contribution have the same problem, as some sort of paypal IPN comes built in i believe. So i'm going to look into that avenue now.


I'll post an update, in case i find a solution so others can find it easier than i have.


Best Regards



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Ok, I;ve checked the class files supplied with the CRedit Class contribution and none of them seem to define paypal_osc either?


I'm just completely confused now, as people are using this contribution, so how come there is a problem defining this class? Where should this be defined, all i can guess is that i muct have deleted this 'define' somewhere along the lines, but just havent a clue where?


Anyone have any ideas? anyone who has this contribution working, can you see where you have this class defined so i can fix mine?


I' m gonna pm devosc just to see if any light can be shed on the situation.


Best Regards



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Well...not quite a solution..but maybe a step forward...i have found what seems to be the code to the paypal_osc class on a cre-loaded related website:


00001 <?php
00002 /*
00003   $Id: osC.class.php,v 2.8 2004/09/11 devosc Exp $
00005   osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions
00006   http://www.oscommerce.com
00008   DevosC, Developing open source Code
00009   http://www.devosc.com
00011   Copyright (c) 2003 osCommerce
00012   Copyright (c) 2004 DevosC.com
00014   Released under the GNU General Public License
00016 */
00018 class PayPal_osC {
00020   function PayPal_osC($orders_id = '', $txn_signature = '') {
00021	 $this->orders_id =  tep_not_null($orders_id) ? $orders_id : '';
00022	 $this->txn_signature = tep_not_null($txn_signature) ? $txn_signature : '';
00023   }
00025   function check_order_status($start = false) {
00026	 global $PayPal_osC, $customers_id;
00027	 include_once(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'payment/paypal/database_tables.inc.php');
00028	 if(tep_session_is_registered('PayPal_osC')) {
00029	   if ($start === true && PHP_VERSION < 4) {
00030		 $PayPal_osC_backup = $PayPal_osC;
00031		 $PayPal_osC = new PayPal_osC;
00032		 $PayPal_osC->unserialize($PayPal_osC_backup);
00033	   }
00034	   $orders_session_query = tep_db_query("select payment_id from " . TABLE_ORDERS . " where orders_id ='" . (int)$PayPal_osC->orders_id . "'");
00035	   $orders_session_check = tep_db_fetch_array($orders_session_query);
00036	   if ($orders_session_check['payment_id'] > 0 ) {
00037		 PayPal_osC::reset_checkout_cart_session();
00038		 return true;
00039	   }
00040	   return false;
00041	 }
00042	 return false;
00043   }
00045   function reset_checkout_cart_session() {
00046	 global $cart;
00047	 $cart->reset(true);
00048	 tep_session_unregister('sendto');
00049	 tep_session_unregister('billto');
00050	 tep_session_unregister('shipping');
00051	 tep_session_unregister('payment');
00052	 tep_session_unregister('comments');
00053 //credit class support DMG 9/21/2004
00055 if(tep_session_is_registered('credit_covers')) {
00056	 tep_session_unregister('credit_covers');
00057	  if(!class_exists('order_total')) {
00058		include_once(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'order_total.php');
00059		}
00060   $order_total_modules->clear_posts();//ICW ADDED FOR CREDIT CLASS SYSTEM
00061	 tep_session_unregister('PayPal_osC');
00062   }
00063 }
00064   function unserialize($broken) {
00065	 for(reset($broken);$kv=each($broken);) {
00066	   $key=$kv['key'];
00067	   if (gettype($this->$key)!="user function")
00068	   $this->$key=$kv['value'];
00069	 }
00070   }
00071 }//end class
00072 ?>


But seen as i'm not a coder i'm unsure as to what to do with it...lol.

Should i just pop it into a php file in my includes/classes directory called osc.class.php? Or would it be better to add it into an existing classes file...i havent a clue. I assume i would have to get rid of all the numbers also...lol...


Suggestions would be really appreciated.


Best Regards



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Lol...back to square one...i realised that this file is already included in the installaion, it just baffles me that it is not being picked up?


I'm still nowhere...lol....i'll have another go.



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Lol...back to square one...i realised that this file is already included in the installaion, it just baffles me that it is not being picked up?


I'm still nowhere...lol....i'll have another go.



Hi Donna


Assuming nothing was missed in the installation and configuration, did you see this in the contrib area?


file/folder misstaken ZhenIT Software 18 Apr 2005


In the previous packages catalog/includes/modules/payment/paypal/classes/TransactionDetails/TransactionDetails.php is a folder aand it should be the same file as




in this file this issue has been solved

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Hi Donna


Assuming nothing was missed in the installation and configuration, did you see this in the contrib area?


file/folder misstaken ZhenIT Software 18 Apr 2005


In the previous packages catalog/includes/modules/payment/paypal/classes/TransactionDetails/TransactionDetails.php is a folder aand it should be the same file as




in this file this issue has been solved


I did see that but didnt have a clue to what it meant, i checked the installation files and TransactionDetails.php was there...i'll give it a try though and upload the file from MS2-2.2OverWriteAndRun.


Best Regards



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I'm failry new to osC but have had success with other contributions so far.


A week or so ago I installed v3.1.5 of the PayPal IPN module.


I have a really peculiar error whereby the orders are created ok locally and appear in the admin, but when the same code is deployed to my server it still creates the orders, but all the records in the tables that have a reference to the order_id are being set to 0!


It means that although the records are present in the database, they are not visible from admin because of the incorrect orders_id.


I've trawled through this and other forums without success. I've tried other payment modules and they are creating the order_id value correctly.


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated as it's been causing a problem for over a week and I'm at the end of my tether!




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Hi, quick question (if someone knows the answer):


I would like to change "Paypal" under "Payment Method" in the confirmation email to "Credit Card or PayPal" and I can't find the file to change that. I know $this->paymentTitle . "\n" . in Order.Class.php is the key but I don't know how to make it show "Credit Card or PayPal" instead of just "PayPal".


This module is really killing me for some reason. I have installed Website Payment Pro without much problem. Too bad WPP only takes USD on credit cards and PayPal IPN is the only option now. Hopefully PayPal will support multi-currencies on its WPP in the very near future.


Thanks for any help!



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Hi there,


I've installed Milestone 2.2 PayPal IPN Payment Module 1.1 - so I hope I'm in the right place.


I had to wait until I had the Multi Vendor Shipping contribution set so when I do a test purchase I can get shipping costs included.


I set up everything in Sandbox as per the instructions and have a test customer acct in my store that corresponds with the test buyer in Sandbox.


I have NO clue if I got the private keys, public cert or whatever all right. None of that made any sense.


When I got to the checkout_confirmation.php of checking out, I got a whole stream of 15 errors - all in the catalog/includes/modules/payment/paypal_ipn.php and several lines are repeated.


The errors are too many and varied to list. I have no clue what to do as I don't understand the errors too much.


I HAVE to use Sandbox to do test purchases as I do not have actual money to even do a quick test purchase using my own live accounts (and do a quick refund). So, I really need to get this right.


Anyone want to help me tackle this. This is the LAST thing I need to finalize in order to open my store.


OR - if there is just too much hassle with Sandbox, if someone can help me set up everything for live PayPal so I know things will work when a customer buys.

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Hi everyone,


I have had my shop up and running with the osCommerce PayPal IPN Module v1.1 For 2.2MS2, and it has worked without a rpoblem for about 8 month then suddenly I start to recieve the PayPal IPN Invalid Process debug emails. I have searched the forum but cannot find anything that helps.


Can somebody give me a hint, don't really know what to do now. This is the email I keep recieving.










payment_date=13:59:00 May 03, 2006 PDT
































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Help, I am a newbie using OSCommerce.... I have attempted to download and install the PayPal IPN module. I thought I was so careful and followed all the directions, but when I attempt to go to the Modules area as an Administrator to install the Paypal module, I get the followig errors.


Payment Modules


Modules Sort Order Action


Warning: main(/home/exceledu/public_html/shopcart/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/application_bottom.inc.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/exceledu/public_html/shopcart/admin/modules.php on line 128


Warning: main(/home/exceledu/public_html/shopcart/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/application_bottom.inc.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/exceledu/public_html/shopcart/admin/modules.php on line 128


Warning: main(): Failed opening '/home/exceledu/public_html/shopcart/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/application_bottom.inc.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/exceledu/public_html/shopcart/admin/modules.php on line 128


Warning: main(/home/exceledu/public_html/shopcart/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/application_top.inc.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/exceledu/public_html/shopcart/admin/modules.php on line 128


Warning: main(/home/exceledu/public_html/shopcart/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/application_top.inc.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/exceledu/public_html/shopcart/admin/modules.php on line 128


Warning: main(): Failed opening '/home/exceledu/public_html/shopcart/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/application_top.inc.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/exceledu/public_html/shopcart/admin/modules.php on line 128


Line 128 of the referenced file is:


include(DIR_FS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES . $language . '/modules/' . $module_type . '/' . $file);


Please please help.......



Jo Arnspiger

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Hi, quick question (if someone knows the answer):


I would like to change "Paypal" under "Payment Method" in the confirmation email to "Credit Card or PayPal" and I can't find the file to change that. I know $this->paymentTitle . "\n" . in Order.Class.php is the key but I don't know how to make it show "Credit Card or PayPal" instead of just "PayPal".


This module is really killing me for some reason. I have installed Website Payment Pro without much problem. Too bad WPP only takes USD on credit cards and PayPal IPN is the only option now. Hopefully PayPal will support multi-currencies on its WPP in the very near future.


Thanks for any help!



You could try Updated PayPal Payment Screen http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contri...arch,paypal+ipn

Don't know if it works.

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Hi there,


I've installed Milestone 2.2 PayPal IPN Payment Module 1.1 - so I hope I'm in the right place.


I had to wait until I had the Multi Vendor Shipping contribution set so when I do a test purchase I can get shipping costs included.


I set up everything in Sandbox as per the instructions and have a test customer acct in my store that corresponds with the test buyer in Sandbox.


I have NO clue if I got the private keys, public cert or whatever all right. None of that made any sense.


When I got to the checkout_confirmation.php of checking out, I got a whole stream of 15 errors - all in the catalog/includes/modules/payment/paypal_ipn.php and several lines are repeated.


The errors are too many and varied to list. I have no clue what to do as I don't understand the errors too much.


I HAVE to use Sandbox to do test purchases as I do not have actual money to even do a quick test purchase using my own live accounts (and do a quick refund). So, I really need to get this right.


Anyone want to help me tackle this. This is the LAST thing I need to finalize in order to open my store.


OR - if there is just too much hassle with Sandbox, if someone can help me set up everything for live PayPal so I know things will work when a customer buys.

This support thread is for PayPal_Shopping_Cart_IPN http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contri...arch,paypal+ipn

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Hi everyone,


I have had my shop up and running with the osCommerce PayPal IPN Module v1.1 For 2.2MS2, and it has worked without a rpoblem for about 8 month then suddenly I start to recieve the PayPal IPN Invalid Process debug emails. I have searched the forum but cannot find anything that helps.


Can somebody give me a hint, don't really know what to do now. This is the email I keep recieving.








payment_date=13:59:00 May 03, 2006 PDT
































This support thread is for PayPal_Shopping_Cart_IPN http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contri...arch,paypal+ipn

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Help, I am a newbie using OSCommerce.... I have attempted to download and install the PayPal IPN module. I thought I was so careful and followed all the directions, but when I attempt to go to the Modules area as an Administrator to install the Paypal module, I get the followig errors.


Payment Modules


Modules Sort Order Action


Warning: main(/home/exceledu/public_html/shopcart/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/application_bottom.inc.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/exceledu/public_html/shopcart/admin/modules.php on line 128


Warning: main(/home/exceledu/public_html/shopcart/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/application_bottom.inc.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/exceledu/public_html/shopcart/admin/modules.php on line 128


Warning: main(): Failed opening '/home/exceledu/public_html/shopcart/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/application_bottom.inc.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/exceledu/public_html/shopcart/admin/modules.php on line 128


Warning: main(/home/exceledu/public_html/shopcart/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/application_top.inc.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/exceledu/public_html/shopcart/admin/modules.php on line 128


Warning: main(/home/exceledu/public_html/shopcart/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/application_top.inc.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/exceledu/public_html/shopcart/admin/modules.php on line 128


Warning: main(): Failed opening '/home/exceledu/public_html/shopcart/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/application_top.inc.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/exceledu/public_html/shopcart/admin/modules.php on line 128


Line 128 of the referenced file is:


include(DIR_FS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES . $language . '/modules/' . $module_type . '/' . $file);


Please please help.......

Jo Arnspiger

This support thread is for PayPal_Shopping_Cart_IPN http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contri...arch,paypal+ipn


Did upload all of the new files?

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Thanks so much for the reply! I am actually looking for where "$this->paymentTitle" is being defined since this is the exact term that is driving the word "PayPal" in the confirmation email. I believe "paymentTitle" must be driven from somewhere in some files but I check all of them but don't seem to find it....


I have tried "Updated PayPal Payment Screen" contribution but it does not address the naming in the confirmation email.


Thanks for any help!!!




You could try Updated PayPal Payment Screen http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contri...arch,paypal+ipn

Don't know if it works.

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Ok, I figured it out now. I searched the term PayPal (case sensitive) under includes/modules/payment/paypal.php and replaced it with 'Credit Card or PayPal'.


That's it!


Thanks so much for the reply! I am actually looking for where "$this->paymentTitle" is being defined since this is the exact term that is driving the word "PayPal" in the confirmation email. I believe "paymentTitle" must be driven from somewhere in some files but I check all of them but don't seem to find it....


I have tried "Updated PayPal Payment Screen" contribution but it does not address the naming in the confirmation email.


Thanks for any help!!!



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Hi, I am testing out by using credit card or paypal accounts to pay. I got details on the payment info if I use paypal to pay under admin/orders.php:



Transaction Activity

Date Status Details Action Gross Fee Net Amount

May. 05, 2006 Completed Details US$0.02 US$0.02 US$0.00


I can click on "Details" to see everything.


However, if I use credit card (account optional) to pay, under admin/orders.php, all I see is "Payment Method: Credit Card or PayPal". Nothing else.


Is this normal? Because if a customer pays me by credit card via the PayPal Account Optional feature (i.e. no need to sign up), I do NOT even have the last 4 digits to hold onto!!



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