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[Contribution]Paypal IPN - Devosc


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Hi all,


I have just installed PayPal IPN 1.1 and everything works fine except for the item name appears on the PayPal receipt. I have installed CCGV as well and if I were to set the transaction type to "Per Item", discount value will not appear on PayPal at all. However, if I were to set the transaction type to "Aggregate", I can only see my page's title under item purchased.


I ve read previous posts and I understand that this is the limitation of the contribution, which I can accept. My only question is is there a way to use some other generic name other than my page's title?


Will be very grateful if someone can point me to the right direction. :blink:


Thank you!


Try the right forum or install PayPal_Shopping_Cart_IPN_v3.1.5

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi guys,


Im just trying to install the contrib, which im really excited about, although Im running into problems straight away :(


Ive done everything by the book, but whe I try get on my Admin, I get this:


"Fatal error: Call to undefined function: define() in /home/vinnielola/domains/vinnieandlola.co.uk/public_html/catalog/admin/includes/filenames.php on line 59"


Which would pertain to this:


//begin PayPal_Shopping_Cart_IPN

??define('FILENAME_PAYPAL', 'paypal.php');

//end PayPal_Shopping_Cart_IPN

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Sorry, it didnt diplay the entire post I wrote, this is the rest of it as I cant post the whole thing it appears:



in filnames.php


Ive DEFINATELY copied the paypal.php file into the admin folder. Promise!


Ive been trawling this thread for hours but cant come up with anything to which should surely be a fairly simple thing to resolve (Im very new to all this so it probably IS a very simple thing to resolve!).

Can anyone help?

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Hi guys,


Im just trying to install the contrib, which im really excited about, although Im running into problems straight away :(


Ive done everything by the book, but whe I try get on my Admin, I get this:


"Fatal error: Call to undefined function: define() in /home/vinnielola/domains/vinnieandlola.co.uk/public_html/catalog/admin/includes/filenames.php on line 59"


Which would pertain to this:


//begin PayPal_Shopping_Cart_IPN

??define('FILENAME_PAYPAL', 'paypal.php');

//end PayPal_Shopping_Cart_IPN


hmmmmmmmm... I think you need to check through your setup files, mine is exactly that, and I am not getting that error...


//begin PayPal_Shopping_Cart_IPN

define('FILENAME_PAYPAL', 'paypal.php');

//end PayPal_Shopping_Cart_IPN


actually looking at your error, it mentions line 59, is this on line 59 ??

Edited by sidewinder
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Yes, its exactly this line:


"define('FILENAME_PAYPAL', 'paypal.php');"


real confusing!!!!


just tried your site


got this error


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: require() in /home/vinnielola/domains/vinnieandlola.co.uk/public_html/catalog/includes/application_top.php on line 126


which points to a problem with 'probably' this line

require(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'payment/paypal/classes/osC/osC.class.php');


I had an issue with this paypal contribution a while ago, and it turned out that some of the php files were not there, instead of say osC.class.php there was a folder with that name, so re-check all your files are there, and in the correct places, I can vouch for this contrib, it is fantastic work from Devosc


re-check, yes I know it's a lot of files, but trust me, if you find the offender, you will be happy...


good luck, heading off to bed... work tomorrow :(

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Hello everybody,


I use "PayPal_Shopping_Cart_IPN 3.5". It worked fine until today, it suddenly stopped showing PayPal Transaction Activities. All I have right now is: No PayPal Transaction Information Available (), however payment has been submitted through PayPal. And when I get email with order details, it doesn't show neither Delivery nor Billing Addresses. All I have is:

Delivery Address








Billing Address








Payment Method



The last thing I did is installed PO payment method in my store. Is there any way it affected my PayPal module? What should I look for to fix these problems? Any help would be highly appreciated.


Thanks a lot,


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I am having an issue where the 'continue' link on the PayPal site only points to http://checkout_success.php.... instead of http://www.mysite.com/che.....


Is there any solution to this? I cannot find where this is specified in the code. I have spoken to level 3 tech at paypal, who finally figured out (after about 30 mins) that the module was overiding any settings set in the website payment profile. Where can I fix this?





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  • 5 weeks later...



When there is an Order on Hold, IPN shows Accept button in admin/orders.php. If I click Accept, I get the following warnings:

Warning: notifycustomer(.........../osCommerce/includes/languages//checkout_process.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in ............\osCommerce\includes\modules\payment\paypal\classes\osC\Order.class.php on line 219


Warning: notifycustomer(): Failed opening ........../osCommerce/includes/languages//checkout_process.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;./includes;./pear') in ..............\osCommerce\includes\modules\payment\paypal\classes\osC\Order.class.php on line 219


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at ...............\osCommerce\includes\modules\payment\paypal\classes\osC\Order.class.php:219) in ..............\osCommerce\admin\includes\functions\general.php on line 108

Why am I getting these warning messages? What can be a problem? I'll appreciate any help.


Thanks in advance,


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I set up my OSCommerce site about a year ago and have the PayPal IPN enabled. However, suddnely on 9/30 I stopped getting any IPNs from PayPal. It is causing much havoc as customers aren't getting e-mails concerning their orders and downloadable files aren't being activated since the transaction is never cleared in the cart.


I'm confused because I did not change anything in my OSCommerce set up nor my PayPal set up.


I went into sandbox and tried testing and when I went to set the test business account to use IPNs it *is* requiring a URL , despite the fact that the FAQ at the top of this thread says it is not required. It will not set that business accoun to use IPNs without putting something in that URL. I'm wondering if this is a new thing that PayPal implemented on the 30th and that is why I'm no longer getting IPNS? And, what is an appropriate URL to put into that box?



I think that you just need to put anything there like http://yourshoppingcarturl.com, it doesn't matter what because the module will tell PayPal what url to use anyways.

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I recently included attributes with one of my products.


The error I would get was on 147 of Order.class.php undifened function tep_decode_specialchars()


 // ASKMURPHY 19-8-2005 start change: ordered products attributes fix
 // clr 030714 changing to use values from $orders->products and adding call to tep_decode_specialchars()
$products_ordered_attributes .= "\n\t" . $attributes_values['products_options_name'] . ' ' . tep_decode_specialchars($order->products[$i]['attributes'][$j]['value']);

// $products_ordered_attributes .= "\n\t" . $attributes_values['products_options_name'] . ' ' . $attributes_values['products_options_values_name'];
// ASKMURPHY 19-8-2005 end change: ordered products attributes fix


How do I fix this?

Edited by dailce
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Well I searched the entire source code for my site and didn't find the function tep_decode_specialchars maybe it wasn't added to the contribution.


So I searched around and found that a contribution here




that uses a tep_decode_specialchars function. So what I did was add the function below to catalog/includes/functions/general.php


WILL this fix the problem or do I have to place this function somewhere else?


//CLR 030228 Add function tep_decode_specialchars
// Decode string encoded with htmlspecialchars()
 function tep_decode_specialchars($string){
$string=str_replace('>', '>', $string);
$string=str_replace('<', '<', $string);
$string=str_replace(''', "'", $string);
$string=str_replace('"', "\"", $string);
$string=str_replace('&', '&', $string);

return $string;

Edited by dailce
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Well I searched the entire source code for my site and didn't find the function tep_decode_specialchars maybe it wasn't added to the contribution.


So I searched around and found that a contribution here




that uses a tep_decode_specialchars function. So what I did was add the function below to catalog/includes/functions/general.php


WILL this fix the problem or do I have to place this function somewhere else?


//CLR 030228 Add function tep_decode_specialchars
// Decode string encoded with htmlspecialchars()
 function tep_decode_specialchars($string){
$string=str_replace('>', '>', $string);
$string=str_replace('<', '<', $string);
$string=str_replace(''', "'", $string);
$string=str_replace('"', "\"", $string);
$string=str_replace('&', '&', $string);

return $string;


What contribution are you installing?

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I never installed a contribution, I simply added a product attribute, and after words I got the error.


The error I would get was on 147 of Order.class.php undifened function tep_decode_specialchars()


I checked the source code and there wasn't a tep_decode_specialchars() function, so I searched the web and forums and found the contribution that had one defined - I didn't install the contribtuion - I simply copied the code for that one function. Everything seems to be working now, I just hope it won't cause problems.

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I never installed a contribution, I simply added a product attribute, and after words I got the error.


The error I would get was on 147 of Order.class.php undifened function tep_decode_specialchars()


I checked the source code and there wasn't a tep_decode_specialchars() function, so I searched the web and forums and found the contribution that had one defined - I didn't install the contribtuion - I simply copied the code for that one function. Everything seems to be working now, I just hope it won't cause problems.


Sorry, but I fail to why you are posting your question to this support thread.


The swupport thread for the contrib that you found is


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Guys


I am hoping to install this contrib to my store very soon but have a couple of questions....


All the stuff about secure transactions is really confusing - i don't have a clue what the Paypal site is on about. I have a secure server, can someone explain in english what all these are about:


Enable Encrypted Web Payments



Your Private Key



Your Public Certificate



PayPals Public Certificate



Your PayPal Public Certificate ID






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Hi Guys


I am hoping to install this contrib to my store very soon but have a couple of questions....


All the stuff about secure transactions is really confusing - i don't have a clue what the Paypal site is on about. I have a secure server, can someone explain in english what all these are about:


Enable Encrypted Web Payments



Your Private Key

Your Public Certificate

PayPals Public Certificate

Your PayPal Public Certificate ID






You posted this in the wrong place, you are using a different PayPal contribution than the one here.

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  • 3 weeks later...


When there is an Order on Hold, IPN shows Accept button in admin/orders.php. If I click Accept, I get the following warnings:


Why am I getting these warning messages? What can be a problem? I'll appreciate any help.


Thanks in advance,




Could anybody please help me with my problem in the Post #1885? I'll appreciate your help.


Thanks in advance,


Edited by Irin
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I have just signed up for Paypal's website payments pro. I have created and installed their API as instructed in OSC. I have configured OSC as per the instructions. I have turned on paypal's API authorization for the account.


I have shared SSL and have OSC pointed to the right server for my hosts shared SSL.


As near as I can tell I have done everything as instructed to make website payments pro work with OSC and keep getting this error when trying to test with direct pay on the checkout screen (the Checkout with Paypal button).






And when I go through and try to process a credit card order with the shopping cart I keep getting this generic error...


There has been an error processing your credit card. Please try again.



There have been a few other posts concerning these errors and no response or resolution. Is the problem something very basic? Is private SSL required to make it work? I tried looking for some kind of error logs in the administration panel in OSC and couldn't find one.



I am new to OSC, please help





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I have just signed up for Paypal's website payments pro. I have created and installed their API as instructed in OSC. I have configured OSC as per the instructions. I have turned on paypal's API authorization for the account.


I have shared SSL and have OSC pointed to the right server for my hosts shared SSL.


As near as I can tell I have done everything as instructed to make website payments pro work with OSC and keep getting this error when trying to test with direct pay on the checkout screen (the Checkout with Paypal button).


And when I go through and try to process a credit card order with the shopping cart I keep getting this generic error...


There has been an error processing your credit card. Please try again.

There have been a few other posts concerning these errors and no response or resolution. Is the problem something very basic? Is private SSL required to make it work? I tried looking for some kind of error logs in the administration panel in OSC and couldn't find one.

I am new to OSC, please help





You have posted your question to the wrong thread. I had a look, but could not find the right thread. You could send the author of the contrib a personal message.

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Hello since 2 days, my IPN are not registrer with the order. So the order stay in "Pending" Status.


In the "PayPal_Shopping_Cart_IPN Debug Email Notification" I have noticed a change :


The last working IPN was with : notify_version=2.0


Sinon, those not working are notify_version=2.1


Paypal may have change something that the Paypal IPN Contrib don't understand.


Is anyone have an idea to solve the problem ?


What notify-version have you ?

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