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[Contribution]Paypal IPN - Devosc


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The support thread for the contribution you're using is here



??? So you got a test going via the IPN Test Panel ?..... re emails, no, once the IPN is received and processed (and the Payment is Completed), then the customer emails are sent.

Your IPN Test Panel should be accessible by admin/paypal.php?action=itp and it will POST the info to catalog/ipn.php (the above based on defualt osc setup, it should adjust automatically if different).

The same stuff you saw in the email, would be displayed to the screen if your IPN Test Panel test was successful.

"Any fool can know. The point is to understand." -- Albert Einstein

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Well it should work automatically for you now. Try checking out as a customer, but when you get to the checkout_confirmation.php page, disable javascript in your browser and then click confirm, then view the source (or page info in FireFox) and check to see what the URL is the notify_url parameter, it should be the same ipn.php script that your admin IPN Test Panel just posted to etc....

"Any fool can know. The point is to understand." -- Albert Einstein

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I've been up all night, but I will do as you suggested when I wake. Can I ask, if you've ever posted the optimal settings for this module anywhere? I'm not exactly sure what should be set as what in the module, I'm sure others would love to know what the best set of options would be for the average user.

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Probably the default settings will be ok.... the only ones that might be of real significance is whether to use the itemize the items on the paypal site, and the PayPal Shipping Address.... At present, don't use the itemized cart if also having Gift Vouchers / Discount Coupons, For the PayPal Shipping Address... I can't remember, but depending oon if you require a PayPal Confirmed Shipping Address then you need to have it so that when you get to PayPal via the checkout and login, then there should not be the option saying 'No Shipping Address Required'.... Other than that... just have in Live mode and Test Mode Off.

Leave the 'Cart' Test On (this verifies the amounts paid).

Edited by devosc

"Any fool can know. The point is to understand." -- Albert Einstein

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Thanks for the quick response.  I am running in test mode and when and order is successful with paypal the order status changes to verified.  But if the customer does not click on return to merchant the shopping cart is not updated...


Date Added Customer Notified Status Comments

03/13/2005 12:43:58  Paypal verified. PayPal IPN Verified [Completed (Unverified; $21.84)] 

03/13/2005 12:48:52  Preparing [PayPal IPN] 

I have auto return set to checkout_success.php but if the customer is not a paypal user they still need to click on the return to merchant.


Thanks again.



Just to confirm what should the paypal setting be for the IPN url? Would this be my main domain or should it be my https://host.domain.com ...

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In your PayPal account profile I would set it to point to your website's main (home) page. The contribution will automatically specify the correct URL to return to during checkout.



I think I am confused on which contribution to install. I installed "osCommerce PayPal IPN Module v1.1 For 2.2MS2".


Now I notice there is "PayPal_Shopping_Cart_IPN_v3.0a".


Which do you recommend?

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Ok, I couldn't help myself, I ran another live transaction and it still didn't work, it just says:


Transaction Activity

Date  Status  Details  Action  Gross  Fee  Net Amount 

No PayPal Transaction Information Available (abf97f1b3f47a973ac793f060190d285) 


I saved a copy of the page that sent the details across if it would help, I'd prefer not to display it here however.


I can't understand why a test will work but a live transaction wont. I don't have IPN turned on in Pay Pal and auto-return is set to /checkout_success.php (and it does go there too!).


I've no idea what I am doing wrong here.

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If I wasn't now insane I could cry LOL


I finally got it to work, had our first customer on the new site this morning, I have a quantity discount module installed - It deducted 10% from the order form and all but that discount didn't pass over to Pay Pal itself. Erm, anyone out there know what could cause this?! I also had issues when testing and had to stop the invoice numbers being synchonised - kept getting that error where it says it was already paid.

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please help..



before confirm order, i have total amount like this


Sub-Total: $11.28

Individual Shipping (Flat Shipping Rate): $7.98

8.0% PST (Ontario) + 7.0% GST: $1.69

7.0% GST on shipping + 8.0% PST (shipping): $1.20

Total: $22.15


but when passing to paypal logon page, it shows


      Amount:  $11.28 USD

Shipping & Handling:  $9.18 USD

Total Amount:  $20.46 USD


any ideas? ?



i dont have ccgv ...



thanks !

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ok I got the 3.0a installed today and when I click on paypal ipn in customers I get this.


<body marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" topmargin="0" bottommargin="0" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" onload="


Does anyone know what happened?

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Does anyone have the checkout_success.php page working? When the process gets to there no products are found if the customer uses paypal (everything works fine if the customer uses any other payment option).


Here is what they get:

Your order has been successfully processed! You will be receiving emails shortly detailing your purchase and the delivery of your products.


Please notify me of updates to the products I have selected below:


Thanks for shopping with us online!

Notice that no products are listed.


For my site this is very problematic as on the same page should be listed the customer's serial # for their order ... which is not there since no products were found.


Any suggestions appreciated!

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ok NVM I have that fixed. all good for the return...only problem now is in customers/paypal ipn in the admin section this coems up.


<body marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" topmargin="0" bottommargin="0" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" onload="


Does anyone know why that does not work in the code. Here is the code that is around that line in the file.


<body marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" topmargin="0" bottommargin="0" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" onload="<?php echo $page['onLoad']; ?>">
<!-- header //-->

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ok NVM I have that fixed.  all good for the return...only problem now is in customers/paypal ipn in the admin section this coems up.


<body marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" topmargin="0" bottommargin="0" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" onload="


Does anyone know why that does not work in the code.  Here is the code that is around that line in the file.


<body marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" topmargin="0" bottommargin="0" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" onload="<?php echo $page['onLoad']; ?>">
<!-- header //-->

OK NVM again I figured that one out too...lol

had to change that code around some.

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I am having a real hard time with paypal payments at the moment. i do not hink this is related to a contribution bug but was hoping that someone here might not what this is all about. Off course paypal deny there is aproblem.

I basically keep having customer dropping me email telling me that they cannot pay by VISA, their card is declined. I tried myself and it worked, I asked some friends and they also had trouble. It seems that the problem occur only for customer with french VISA.

The error says "The credit card you entered cannot be used for this payment. Please enter a different credit card number."

Of course the card is valid. More odd, a friend of mine used is french visa, and on the paypal screen, put down his UK address ..it worked. He tried again, with the same card and put his French address (the actual address he receive his VISA statements), and it failed !!

Address are not used in VISA verification that I know of so I wonder why paypal using this anyway.

AS anyone had the problem before and can advise what i can do to solve it ? This is costing me sales and is starting to be a real pain :(

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I've had to turn off the invoice synchronise option, meaning my customers can't make payment if they lose the payment window for some reason. When I turned it on, my first two customers couldn't pay because they probably backed up at some stage and lost the payment screen, then when they tried to pay through their account, it came up with that error saying the order had already been paid.


Is there any way to enable the customer to complete payment when they have lost the payment screen?

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Extremest, have a look at this post in regard to $page['onLoad'].


Phocea, I'll try and find out, but may not be able to concluded anything. The issue with the payment process on the PayPal site.


SamyT, from the FAQs

This feature is only available when synchronizing invoices with PayPal.


This means that if you ever reset the osCommerce orders database table then you must also update it's auto-increment value to be greater than the last known order_id.

So use phpMyAdmin to change the Next Autoindex to a value greater than your last known (PayPal) Order, you might / should be able to determine this from the invoice # on the PayPal Txn info page in your paypal account.


Re the discount thing, whatever changes you made to catalog/checkout_process.php you would have to try and do so again in modules/payment/paypal/catalog/checkout_process.inc.php

"Any fool can know. The point is to understand." -- Albert Einstein

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Thanx Greg ... i spent a good hour ont he phone with paypal this morning and they obviously dont want to check with their technical team, say there is no problem etc. ..all they told me to do was to give their number to my customer and they can sort it out with them. But i dont really want to bother brand new customer with all this hassle. I have been looking at the Alliance IPN contribution, they have an office down the road from me, but they force the user to create an account. Good point for them though, they do propose a language set on their payment process screen.

I also mentionned this loophole to paypal and the operator I talked to said that she will mention it ..we live in hope :)

If I get any kind of answer I will post it here, it just seems so herratic that it has really put us down and we even considered closing the shop until we implement a more robust solution.

No problems on your side though, it all seems to be paypal playing up :(

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G'day Greg, wouldn't it have already gone up a number when someone ordered in a non pay pal way? Re: Changes to the page, no changes were made to that page for discounts, it's an order total module that is simply uploaded and turned on.

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Hi Everyone,


I have been looking through some of the files and posts for this module and others but I have not been able to clearify if this module or any others will pass the shipping address from OSC to Paypal? I have seen an increase in my says since I have switch over to 2CO and I think thats mainly because the customer does not have to re-enter they info. They would go right to the confirmation page and would drop off before but now they follow through 95% of the time instead of 75% with paypal.


But I would like to use Paypal all the time as their payouts are faster and paypal is cheaper overal. If I could please get a clear answer as I have been looking around for some time and some post say that it will pass over the info and the next post says it wont so I am confused! ha ha It looks like it will take some time to install this module so I really want to be sure it will work.




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SamyT, hmm..... if in your old database you had say 500 orders and also had PayPal invoice synchronization on, say your last PayPal order was 498, and now you have started with a new orders db table, you'd have to wait for 499 normal orders before any of customers can pay via PayPal ?

Re order totals, you cannot use the Itemized cart with this because of the way PayPal calculates the cart totals, i.e. they do it themselves based off product_price and quantity.


john2323, no at the moment it is not possible to pass the Shipping Address to PayPal for them to use, it is possible to pass an address (normally the billing address) for the New PayPal Customer Sign Up Registration process.

If in the future PayPal does allow the ability for us to provide the shipping address it would be interesting to see how this might effect PayPal's Seller Protection program (which currently requires Shipping to a PayPal Confirmed Address).

"Any fool can know. The point is to understand." -- Albert Einstein

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john2323, no at the moment it is not possible to pass the Shipping Address to PayPal for them to use, it is possible to pass an address (normally the billing address) for the New PayPal Customer Sign Up Registration process.

If in the future PayPal does allow the ability for us to provide the shipping address it would be interesting to see how this might effect PayPal's Seller Protection program (which currently requires Shipping to a PayPal Confirmed Address).


Oh so it will pass the address of the customer over? Thats good enough for me. I will have to set it up and give it a shot and see what happens.


I didnt think it would pass any info over except the email address.


Thanks a bunch for your help,


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