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easier product attributes help needed


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I have searched the contributions section for product attributes, and not found anything that will help with what i require.


I run a computer store, and wish to set up product attributes. The trouble is, that it seems to take for ever to get set up. I also forsee that it will be a real pain, when product prices increase, or decrease, as i will have to alter every attribute associatted with every product.


Is there a way of setting up product attributes using items already in the categories. ie. i sell a graphics card with 64mb memory. I also sell the same card but with 128mb and 256 mb memory. Is it possible to automatically pull the prices and information from each individual products description and price. I hope that this makes sense.


On my site i use ccc9.3 which customers can use to configure pcs using parts from the store, so it must be possible to programme something similar, its just that i dont know where to start and what to do.


Has anyone seen anything like this.


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