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Synchronising secure and non-secure pages/images


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One of my major gripes with osCommerce is that if you have it set up with SSL and therefore have a copy of everything in your secure and non-secure directories, you cannot sync the files in both locations.


If you add a new product the image is only uploaded to your image directory in either the secure or non-secure directory, not both. The same goes for editing the language files.


Has anyone come up with a workable solution for syncing this so that product images are uploaded to both locations simultaneously?

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One of my major gripes with osCommerce is that if you have it set up with SSL and therefore have a copy of everything in your secure and non-secure directories, you cannot sync the files in both locations.


If you add a new product the image is only uploaded to your image directory in either the secure or non-secure directory, not both.  The same goes for editing the language files.


Has anyone come up with a workable solution for syncing this so that product images are uploaded to both locations simultaneously?


If you have a good setup for your osC shop this problem doesn't arise. There should be no need to maintain 2 seperate copies of your shop which will be a hassle indeed.

I don't know how your webspace has been setup but for me I have a seperate secure directory (httpsdocs) and a normal directory (httpdocs) which has been prepared by my host to work transparently between secure and non-secure mode. Everything resides within the httpdoc directory only. If you have a similar structure ask your host to setup a symbolic link between httpsdocs and httpdocs.

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One of my major gripes with osCommerce is that if you have it set up with SSL and therefore have a copy of everything in your secure and non-secure directories, you cannot sync the files in both locations.


If you add a new product the image is only uploaded to your image directory in either the secure or non-secure directory, not both.  The same goes for editing the language files.


Has anyone come up with a workable solution for syncing this so that product images are uploaded to both locations simultaneously?


I would think the only logical way to do this would be to check your ftp program and see whether it allows multiple site connections if it does you can order it to connect to both destinations and transfer the same files.


(If not - shame you have to hit transfer twice)


Hope that helps to answer your question.


Kind Regards,


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