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The e-commerce.

Some Tips and Suggestions Maybe


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Ok i am new to this system and i would like to know what files really do what in this so i can edit the look of it and the content on my site so if anyone is bored i could use some ideas and knowledge. I am familiar with php/nuke so if that is helpfull i hope alos let me know lol B)

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Ok i am new to this system and i would like to know what files really do what in this so i can edit the look of it and the content on my site so if anyone is bored i could use some ideas and knowledge. I am familiar with php/nuke so if that is helpfull i hope alos let me know lol B)


I would suggest to read through the knowledgebase to get some ideas what can be done. Just looking through the many contributions will give you even more ideas. As for a quick start to change the look of a shop you can edit the stylesheet.css in the root of your shop. There are some template contributions (ie STS) which can also help you a lot but be aware that many other useful contributions are not 'out of the box' compatible with such templating contribution.

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In most cases it is easy to find the files you ned to edit. Open your shop in your browser. In the address bar you will have the address of the page you are on. This file can be found in your catalog or root folder. To alter the page, you ned to go also to the same page name as that in the browser, but in your includes/languages/what ever your language folder. This is not always the case though, but it is a guide. So to alter your index page, all the files are either in your catalog/index file or the one found in your languages folder.


The files in your languages folder mainly control whats written on the page, and the one in your catalog folder lays out where it is written..


I hope this makes sense.


To alter the look of your whole site changes can be made in your stylesheet.css file. This mainly alters text and colour styles within each page.


If you have any questions always do a search of the forums first, as most questions have already been answered..


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In most cases it is easy to find the files you ned to edit.  Open your shop in your browser.  In the address bar you will have the address of the page you are on.  This file can be found in your catalog or root folder.  To alter the page, you ned to go also to the same page name as that in the browser, but in your includes/languages/what ever your language  folder.  This is not always the case though, but it is a guide.  So to alter your index page, all the files are either in your catalog/index file or the one found in your languages folder.


The files in your languages folder mainly control whats written on the page, and the one in your catalog folder lays out where it is written..


I hope this makes sense.


To alter the look of your whole site changes can be made in your stylesheet.css file.  This mainly alters text and colour styles within each page. 


If you have any questions always do a search of the forums first, as most questions have already been answered..

Thanks to both of you for your replies i didn't even think to look at the stylesheet. That is pretty much what i am going to chnge. Also the layout a little bit im looking to go for the gothic dark effect. And i would have never thought to look in the language folder so thanks to you for that. My goal is to make my store for webhosting my friend has some scripts that will make my whm or web host manager pretty much on autopilot so that is gonna be my goal to tie the two together to save me the work lol

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