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The e-commerce.

Non-Secure items


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Hi there,


On My Webpage , if i click for example on "checkout" and get to the https sites, i get the following message:


"This Website contains both secure and non-secure items"


I have "google-ads" and a "google toolbar" on my site and i thought those could be the problem so i placed some code that they do not display if the site is https. Even though the google ads and the google toolbar do not display on my ssl-sites, i get the message about non-secure items nevertheless.


Does somebody has a clue what "items" that could be? I tried to figure it out no for a half an hour and i'm getting out of ideas...


Many thanks in advance



HIM - Dark Light - Out on 26/09/05
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Hi there,


On My Webpage , if i click for example on "checkout" and get to the https sites, i get the following message:


"This Website contains both secure and non-secure items"


I have "google-ads" and a "google toolbar" on my site and i thought those could be the problem so i placed some code that they do not display if the site is https. Even though the google ads and the google toolbar do not display on my ssl-sites, i get the message about non-secure items nevertheless.


Does somebody has a clue what "items" that could be? I tried to figure it out no for a half an hour and i'm getting out of ideas...


Many thanks in advance




There's an article about this problem in the knowledge base. It could be the way you are linking to images. Or the google stuff. Read that first it may solve your problem.

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There's an article about this problem in the knowledge base.  It could be the way you are linking to images.  Or the google stuff.  Read that first it may solve your problem.


Thanks for your reply.


I did read this article in the knowledge base and i have had some links on the site which referred to other sites (paypal, visacard, Ms and oscommerce) they are not showing anymore at the secure sites but it is not working nevertheless.


Any ideas?

HIM - Dark Light - Out on 26/09/05
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I have also noticed that if i am on a secure site on my page, the links to for example "home" , "shipping" , or "sitemap" have some code at the end which they don't have if i am not on a secure site.


For example:


If i am on a nonsecure site http://www.kitchenniche.ca:


Link to shipping is: http://www.kitchenniche.ca/shipping.php


If i am on a secure site https://www.kitchenniche.ca


Link to shipping is: http://www.kitchenniche.ca/shipping.php?os...3979ded6fba7740


I have no clue if this is something to do with this problem and i do not know either, why there is some code at the end of the URL when i'm on a secure site.


Thanks for any little help

HIM - Dark Light - Out on 26/09/05
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Hi there,


On My Webpage , if i click for example on "checkout" and get to the https sites, i get the following message:


"This Website contains both secure and non-secure items"


I have "google-ads" and a "google toolbar" on my site and i thought those could be the problem so i placed some code that they do not display if the site is https. Even though the google ads and the google toolbar do not display on my ssl-sites, i get the message about non-secure items nevertheless.


Does somebody has a clue what "items" that could be? I tried to figure it out no for a half an hour and i'm getting out of ideas...


Many thanks in advance




this is the reason :



Treasurer MFC

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You have this SRC:




This is not secure and will pop up the warning :P



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