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The e-commerce.

Switching Directories


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Hello Everybody,


I had someone design for me a osCommerce template, but now they aren't communicatting with me. I was wondering if it was easy to switch my site from




into the domain root directory




The reason I'd like to make the switch is for SE purposes, as the catalog folder added to all the urls dilutes the keyword density in the url and I notice my competitors (whom also use osCommerce) have osCommerce installed directly in the root of the domain.


Also, I know some of you may suggest just re-installing osCommerce and updating all the pages to reflect the design I had done for me. However I am not experienced in installing osCommerce, nor am I experienced in manupulating the default template. So I was hoping there was a relatively easy way to switch directories.





PS: I did a search on the forum for this problem prior to posting, but couldn't find any accurate results. If the process of doing this is explained elsewhere, it would be greatly appreciated if you could point me in the right direction. :thumbsup:

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Yes - it is easy to download your files using an FTP client then uploading them again to your root directory. You will need to adjust both your /includes/configure.php files to reflect the change - change all instances of /catalog/ to just / :D



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Hello Everybody,


I had someone design for me a osCommerce template, but now they aren't communicatting with me. I was wondering if it was easy to switch my site from




into the domain root directory




The reason I'd like to make the switch is for SE purposes, as the catalog folder added to all the urls dilutes the keyword density in the url and I notice my competitors (whom also use osCommerce) have osCommerce installed directly in the root of the domain.


Also, I know some of you may suggest just re-installing osCommerce and updating all the pages to reflect the design I had done for me. However I am not experienced in installing osCommerce, nor am I experienced in manupulating the default template. So I was hoping there was a relatively easy way to switch directories.





PS: I did a search on the forum for this problem prior to posting, but couldn't find any accurate results. If the process of doing this is explained elsewhere, it would be greatly appreciated if you could point me in the right direction.  :thumbsup:


Hi Sean, this is very easy to do.


Down load the catalog folder to your own comouter, and reupload it right to the root.


Open the 2 files includes/configure.php (not the old one, catalog/includes ...) and admin/includes/configure.php and change all references to be without the catalog word in the paths. Check if all is working, and if yes, you can delete the catalog folder.


Before making major changes, I always download the whole site to a backup folder and go from there.




addicted to writing code ... can't get enough of databases either, LOL!


my toolbox: Textpad - Compare and Merge - phpMyAdmin - WS_FTP - Photoshop - How to search the forum


Interactive Media Award July 2007 ~ category E-Commerce

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