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Two Store Front Ends From One OS Install?


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We would like two stores with different pricing to be available from one OScommerce product database?


Is that possible?


Is there a workaround?


Basically, we just want a second webstore with a different name and different pricing, but we only want to update one backend with products and pics, etc.

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There are many ways to proceed...


One would be to add an extra price field in the db, then you modify one store to use the new db field and the other one to use the original one.


Another one would be to hardcode in a set discount rate to be used in one shop while the other shop runs without any discount.


And there are ofcourse several other ways to go about it too....



But if this is a case of wholesale vs retail, you would probably have an easier time going with one of the b2b or price group add-ons.....

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