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Need Advice on how to change live order from money


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Hey everyone..


We had a order placed and the method of payment chosen was money order, but then the customer changed his mind and would like to pay using paypal...


Is it possible to change it without having to cancel his order?


-any advice?-

thank you


There are several order editor add-ons available in the contribs section which lets you edit an order including payment metode.


But in this case, why not just send him a paypal email "invoice" , and when he/she has payed it, activate his order?

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There are several order editor add-ons available in the contribs section which lets you edit an order including payment metode.


Thanks for reply. Yeah I have an order editor installed. I placed an order myself and did what the customer did. I used the order editor to change it to what the payment method text says when one chooses paypal... but all it did was exactly that.... Edit the "Text" .


I was hoping I could do it so, It could take the customer back a step ... and where they could then log back in and see the contents in the cart and then re-do the checkout process...


Push comes to show, I will send them a invoice via email like you suggested..

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Thanks for reply.  Yeah I have an order editor installed.  I placed an order myself and did what the customer did.  I used the order editor to change it to what the payment method text says when one chooses paypal... but all it did was exactly that.... Edit the "Text"  .


I was hoping I could do it so, It could take the customer back a step ... and where they could then log back in and see the contents in the cart and then re-do the checkout process...


Push comes to show, I will send them a invoice via email like you suggested..



I dont remember the name, but i have seen a contrib which lets you restore the order...ie. it goes back into the customers cart....Take a look through the contribs maybe you can find it.....

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