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Sales Tax issue


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I have set up a tax zone for my state per instructions. However, a couple of things occur that I am wondering about.


Prices are showing up with the tax included already. No biggie if OSC knows what state I am connecting from (does it?). However, if I connect through an out-of-state or out-of-country proxy it stills displays the prices with the tax included.


What I want is for tax to be assessed only for in-state customers. All others will not be charged. Is there something I am doing wrong?

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If you have set your catalog item to taxable, the tax will display unless you disable it. Go to your admin>configuration>my Store. The last item in the list is "Display Prices with Tax". That should be set to "False".


Or are you saying that customers out of state are being charged tax?

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If you have set your catalog item to taxable, the tax will display unless you disable it.  Go to your admin>configuration>my Store.  The last item in the list is "Display Prices with Tax".  That should be set to "False".


Or are you saying that customers out of state are being charged tax?


Thanks, stashandstuff! That did exactly what I needed. I wasn't sure if out-of-state customers were getting charged tax or not - I'll be testing that next. I just noticed that if I connected to the store through an out-of-state proxy that it was displaying the prices with tax included. Once I saw that I never proceeded through checkout to make sure.

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