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The e-commerce.

Unsecure Admin


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Has anyone else noticed that when you type in www.storename.com/admin there is no password prompt or anything? When I type that in, I instantly get access to the whole shop configuration panel (that blue screen). This happens no matter which computer I use. How can I password protect this area? Thanks a lot for any help.

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On an unrelated design note, does anyone know how to change the color of "next" on the product listing? It comes up as blue, with a yellow tint on mouseover. I can't seem to find the appropriate place to edit this. Thanks a lot for any help, I really appreciate it.

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Has anyone else noticed that when you type in www.storename.com/admin there is no password prompt or anything? When I type that in, I instantly get access to the whole shop configuration panel (that blue screen). This happens no matter which computer I use. How can I password protect this area? Thanks a lot for any help.


Yes, we've noticed. From the Knowledge Base...


"The store admin directory on your server needs to be password protected using .htaccess. Most of the time the server you are hosting your store on has the ability to password protect directories through the server administration area so check with your host."



"Buy the ticket, take the ride..." -HST

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Keep in mind though that the session does not expire until you have quit your browser. As long as it (your browser) is open after you fist access the admin area you will be able to get to it without re-entering your password.

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Excellent, thank you all, the admin is secured. Anybody have any clue on my little aesthetic question? Muchos gracias. :D


Maybe try the style sheet look for





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