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The e-commerce.

Trouble installing


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Hello guys. I'm having some problems installing oscommerce in a windows xp with apache and mysql.

The register_globals is on and I never had a problem with my Apache/MySQL installation before.

When I go to catalog/install, I click install and I see to checkboxes. I click continue but nothing happens.

At the beginning I thought that the variables passed trough the url were not being picked up, so I did a little code for testing and the variables are being passed trough the url without any problems.

I tried a manual configuration but I'm having no success.

I changed all the required parameters in catalog/include/configure.php and the site appears fine. But again, If I click a product category (ie. hardware) nothing happens. The cpath variable appears in the url, but it's almost like it isn't there. The site stays in the main page. Also, when I go to catalog/admin, the page comes out blank. Even if I change admin/includes/configure.php, nothing happens.

I think I once installed oscommerce, just for curiosity and it worked pretty well.


Can you guys help me? Am I missing something here?




Two ideas came to mind,


Do you need to mod:



Triple check that your database details are correct in your configure.php

Check this in your web admin panel (myphp admin)


Have you tried re-uploading the install folder ?

Two ideas came to mind,


Do you need to mod:



Triple check that your database details are correct in your configure.php

Check this in your web admin panel (myphp admin)


Have you tried re-uploading the install folder ?


There is nothing wrong with the database. All parameters are fine. Even if I change some parameters in the catalog/includes/configure.php (i.e. server=localhost, username="something", password="something",etc...) and then try to run the install, the same problem persists.


My apache version is 2.0.52, php version is 5.0.3 and mysql version is 4.1.8


There might be some problem with one (or more) of these versions, that is causing all this problems. If there is, please let me know.


I'm sure this is not related to the database. In one of the steps of the installation process, I should be asked for some parameters that are database related, but as I told you, I can't get out of the first step!


Please help.




what version of php are you using? if php5, downgrade to php 4.3.11

I'm sure this is not related to the database. In one of the steps of the installation process, I should be asked for some parameters that are database related, but as I told you, I can't get out of the first step!


Well you mentioned that you couldn't click a category, all that info is feed from the database.


I still think you could have it working, with out the install process, and its probably a databse problem.


I figured it out.

I had php5 and mysql 4.1 installed, and it seems oscommerce doesn't like php5.

I later installed php4 but I started to have mysql connection problems. I read a little and found out that mysql 4.1 uses a new authentication method and I just can't seem to go arround this. I mean, even phpmyadmin wouldn't work. The new auth. method works fine with php5 but not 4.

After some lost hours to try to get arround the problem, I finally installed mysql 4.0 and voil?, everything works.

Mysql 4.1 really should be used with php5.

To run oscommerce, I'm using php4 and mysql 4.0.


I'm using some old software here (php4 and mysql 4.0). I guess oscommerce needs a little improvement from php4 to 5. Don't get me wrong! It's a fantastic piece of software, but it's starting to become a little outdated. I had to downgrade to use it.


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