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The e-commerce.

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Ok, lets see if I can explain.


I have a page that has no columns, but has a menu at the top instead.


My problem: I want a customer to click on the "products" links and be taken to a new page where the catagories are listed (again no columns). The catagories would be represented by some default pictures that I would upload. When the customer clicks on the catagory, it takes them to the products under that catagory.


I tried modifying the "What's New" box and followed directions for adding a new infobox, but all I ended up with was an unexpected $ error.


Now, the more I think about it, the more complicated it sounds. I start wondering how can teh customer get back to the main catagories page if they are several subs in. Example.. I am looking in Jewelry/Fine/Charms/Italian/Animals. Say I add a dolphin charm to my cart, but now I want to see what is under Jewelry/Costume/Bracelets. Would I have to go all the way back to the mainpage?


My main problem at this point is getting the catagories page to come up. I dont like how scrunched my mainpage is right now, but that is a different thing I am trying to figure out.


I think I found a close representation of what I am looking for..


If you click on gallery, thats how I want it to look.. also, under their "shop" link it shows the columns, however, when you click on a catagory, it again takes you to a columnless page with pics representing the catagories. The only problem I see is there is no way to navigate back to main catagories page without clicking on the "shop" link.


Anyway, does anyone know of a contrib or how I could possibly code this (remembering I am still wet behind the ears). I would love to try to work this out with a little guidence so I can proud of the accomplishment!


Thanks to anyone willing to help!



Ok.. I created a products.php and a product_listing.php. I used the catagories.php to create products.php. I defined it in index, english and wherever else I could think of. I put product_listing in catalog and products in languages/english/


Now I have a place for the products link to go. However, now the catagories are listed on the left as if they were a left column. I know its because I used catagories.php Ok.. Now I have to figure out how to get them centered, not heirarchal and how to refer pictures to them.


While I'm trying to muddle through, if anyone has any pointers on how to attain this, please feel free to let me know!



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