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Adding/Changing Image Directories


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Followed instructions under "Tips and Tricks" in the osC documentation to help organize product images. I have had no success in moving/uploading the images to any other directory other than ...\images\. This is the sequence I am following:

Create directories under images (i.e., ...\images\cars\).

Move images into the directory ...\images\cars\auto1.gif, ...\images\cars\auto2.gif

Add product. Browse to image and select

The image field now reads ...\images\cars\auto1.gif

Now change the field to read ...\images\cars/auto1.gif

(changed bkwd slash to fwd slash immediately before image filename)

Click "Preview"



File is still uploaded into ...\images\auto1.gif, not ...\images\cars\auto1.gif

Going back into "Edit" product, the text under the image field reads simply auto1.gif, not \cars\auto1.gif as expected


permissions for images and all subdirectories are at 777 (full access)


Any suggestions???



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