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Credit Class/Gift Vouchers/Discount Coupons 5.10


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This should be a simple question, but I can't seem to find it. I have the gift voucher weight set to 0, but if someone tries to purchase a gift voucher alone (no other products) i get a UPS error (using the default UPS shipping module). Only if other products (that have weight) are purchased will the correct shipping amount be charged.


Since nothing is physically being shipped when solely purchasing a gift voucher, the shipping should not be charged. How does this get set up correctly?


Thanks for the help,

George Burke

[email protected]

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George --


Try turning on downloads, in the admin configuration panel. You'll find out right away if you have any errors with the folder configuration/permissions (many people do). But once it's on, your problem should be solved. It fixed it for me in that same situation.



First you decide what you've got to do, and then you go out and do it.

Maybe the most that we can do is just see each other through it.

Ani Difranco

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$HTTP_POST_VARS['submit_redeem_coupon_x'] in catalog/includes/modules/order_total/ot_coupon.php isn't actually sent/used anywhere is it? :unsure:

Maybe a relic of an earlier version? Hope someone can confirm?



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Anna: I think you are right anna, that it isn't used. thanks for the info


scrap32: vouchers are products read the install on how to create them


ppollock: actually am working on that(or trying to..) just going slower than I would like due to time restraints but there are some notes within the ipn thread that tell you how to do that I think.

(my knowledge is so small you would think that an ant was a genius in comparison)

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I'm trying to implement this system on a brand new install of osC, and this is the error message that i get;


Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: box in /home/damidvds/public_html/catalog/includes/boxes/gv_admin.php on line 34


Also, i am getting the left-panel being about 1/3 the width of the screen, and nothing else is comming up. Can you please help me out here?


I am new to osC, and I did the quick and easy install, and yes I did edit the files as required.


Please help - very desperate to open my online store with this feature enabled.


-Danjel :(

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I've just added in this contribution onto a store I customised a while back - using Beyond Compare to make the edits as I have worked quite a bit on this store on various aspects.


I installed the SQL tables needed but am still getting the error messages in the GV admin like:


1146 - Table 'hemprest_osc1.coupon_gv_queue' doesn't exist


select count(*) as total from customers c, coupon_gv_queue gv where (gv.customer_id = c.customers_id and gv.release_flag = 'N')


And when I try to install it in the payment modules admin I get the following error:


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/hemprest/public_html/store/admin/includes/application_top.php:213) in /home/hemprest/public_html/store/admin/includes/functions/general.php on line 18


Does anyone know what could be happening or what I have done wrong? I have been through the files time after time to ensure that I have not made an error anywhere....


Huge thanks in advance for anyone who can point me in the right direction on this one.


:) Sadie

Edited by glassraven
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This is an incredibly stupid question - but I'm actually not able to find anywhere in Admin where I can enable the gift voucher.


Seems as if the install has been OK, and I'm able to create new vouchers, email them, etc. but I haven't been able to turn the whole thing on.


Something wrong with the database query? What is the query for installing the option to enable/disable GVs?


-- On the bottom of my admin/config/mystore section, I actually have two options for automatically add funds, or automatically add a voucher to a new customer. But that's as much as I have...

Edited by [email protected]
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I?ve got one problem with this contrib.


If a customer is redeeming a gift voucher (during checkout) or using the Voucher Balance to pay for an order, and have not selected any payment option (which should not be necessary if Voucher Balance is enough) the following error will occur


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/home/public_html/catalog/includes/languages/svenska/modules/payment/transfer.php:20) in /usr/home/public_html/catalog/includes/functions/general.php on line 29.


However, the money will still go into the customer voucher account and the order is registred, but its an annoying error


My payment options are


EU-Standard Bank Transfer (http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1771)


& original Paypal



Some help would be appreciated

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Is there anyone who installed the latest update (link) and then also couldn't find the "Welcome Gift Voucher Amount " in the admin panel ?


When i uploade all the files and places all the changes i started reading the installation and saw this:


Welcome Message Gift Voucher and Discount Coupon


There has been some changes in the way you instantiate the welcome message gift voucher and discount coupon. The default value of the new customer gift voucher and discount coupon are set so that no value or notification is sent in the welcome email.

The value in the admin->configuration->Welcome Gift Voucher Amount

tells the system how much of a gift voucher you would like to send your customer that has just created an account. If you do not want to use this option set the text box to 0. Do not leave blank.

To change the discount coupon that you send to your customer when creating a new account edit the

admin->configuration->Welcome Discount Coupon Code:

and place the coupon code that you would like to use in this textbox. Note: Previous versions of the Discount Coupon used the coupon_id value from the database. This version uses the coupon code that is made when you create the Discount Coupon.


But nowhere in the admin i can find the "admin->configuration->Welcome Gift Voucher Amount"


anyone the same problem ? sorry if this is already posted but gave up after 33 :blush: search results.....

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scrap32: vouchers are products read the install on how to create them


OK..I created some GV, but I still can't figure out how I can have customers email the gv themselves. Also, if they just want to send a gv by email, how do I disable shipping? I tried the downloads enable thing, but it ended up taking off the shipping option for everything!

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Is there anyone who installed the latest update (link) and then also couldn't find the "Welcome Gift Voucher Amount " in the admin panel ?


When i uploade all the files and places all the changes i started reading the installation and saw this:

But nowhere in the admin i can find the "admin->configuration->Welcome Gift Voucher Amount"


anyone the same problem ? sorry if this is already posted but gave up after 33 :blush:  search results.....


STUPPID ME :blush: , somehow i totaly missed the .sql file. After hours of searchin i decide tot download all the contrib files and overwriting the older ones. Suddenly i saw the latest update with the .sql file, put in in the dbase and voila !


I think the people who are still answering to this toppic are heroes ! true heroes with people like me asking stupid questions. :thumbsup:

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I'm not sure if STS is the culprit or not, but none of the error messages appear on screen (they are only in the URL) during checkout if I enter an incorrect or invalid coupon/GV code. Has anybody figured out a fix for this yet? Thanks.





Hi have just installed this great contribution and have one (hopefully) small problem.


I use the Simple Template System and with this enabled I dont get the error messages on checkout (invalid coupon code etc).


Without it enabled it works fine.


Is anyone else using this and STS and if so is there a workaround.


Many Thanks



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Jacob: I have never played with the sts, there are no problems with bts. Since the error msg's go through the error message class the question would be are you getting any other error msg's?

(my knowledge is so small you would think that an ant was a genius in comparison)

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Jacob: I have never played with the sts, there are no problems with bts. Since the error msg's go through the error message class the question would be are you getting any other error msg's?


Strider - I get errors messages for everything else (RMA system, reviews, etc etc) but no error appears in the HTML when I enter an incorrect/invalid/out-of-date coupon/GV code. I can see that the program recognizes the error because it throws stuff up in the URL (i.e. checkout_confirmation.php?error=invalid%20code <-- this isn't really what it says, i just made up something similar, i realize it's not a well formed URL) - and I can see in the php files where if it has an error, display this message pulled from this language define file.... but it never actually appears in my content.



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I posted a similar question outside of this thread, but realize it may have been more appropriate to do it here. Sorry in advance for the double post.


After two installations to check for errors, everything works with the exceptioon of the checkout_confirmation.php page. On the modified store, there's a bunch of text missing that should be there - stuff about the payment method and subtotal. I've included two images showing the way it used to work, and the way it's working now:


Correct page:



Incorrect page:



As you can see, the incorrect page is missing the right column as well as some important content. I've gone through everything and can't find the issue. I've replaced the modified checkout_confirmation.php page with an original version, and the problems still exist, so I assume that means that the problems are originating from another page.


I'm using 2.2-MS2 and some of the code in the contrib is different than my code regarding the right and left columns (like in the CCGV faq pages, which explains why I can't see the side columns on those pages), but not in the checkout_confirmation.php page.


Can anyone help here?

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wow a new board...


updmike: ok ... I have been playing with the coupons restricted to products and categories. I did find a problem within the restrict to product/categories discount coupon. It works fine on single or multiple products... as long as they don't have attributes. If the product has attributes the coupon doesn't play on that product though the coupon will play on other items within a valid product/category list. 


Hey all I am just wondering if this contribution is working for anyone when you apply % to a product or catagory restrictions yet. I had turned it all off on my store since 98% of my products have attributes but would really like to get it back up and running if anyone has a sultion for this problem..


Thanks all,


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dsutton01: It looks like something in order total. The odd thing is the disparity between the two headers though. Especially since the header is done before even the left column is taken care of ... I don't seem to have a problem with the faq's though... the gv_faq is just a left column middle column with an include and a right column. You might check the version of the ccgv code you are running and make sure it is 5.10b.


updmike: I have it working on one site now and will try to make the mods for the next release sometime within the next couple of weeks.


jacobr: does the sts take out the headers error msg routine on about line 67 you should have

 if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['error_message']) && tep_not_null($HTTP_GET_VARS['error_message'])) {
<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
 <tr class="headerError">
   <td class="headerError"><?php echo htmlspecialchars(urldecode($HTTP_GET_VARS['error_message'])); ?></td>


that should take care of the error msg's based on the ot_gv's code.

(my knowledge is so small you would think that an ant was a genius in comparison)

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Can anyone help me with the issues I posted about on the previous page??


I am about to give up with the install and just redo the whole bloody thing - as I cannot work out why on earth its not working, but if anyone can save me hours of redoing all the work I've done thus far on the site I would be more than greatful!


Many thanks,


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