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The e-commerce.

New site needs some criticsm

kevin b

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From what others have told me, you should take off the number count in your category box and delete the language and currencies boxes, too.


Also, the Welcome Guest would you like to log in? line should be taken off, too. It just looks better without it.


And I've got to say that Tyvek Overalls guy looks like a man in a space suit, lol. You need to do something with that picture.

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-> fill the 'shipping & return' and the 'privacy notice' pages. There's nothing in it now, but only the stock text.


->the boxes 'language' and 'currencies' have no use, since there's nothing to choose.


-> do something on your images; get a thumbnail contrib.


-> get rid of the stock OSC images on every page.


-> get rid of the request counter at the bottom.


-> use some more color on the pages, it's a little bit 'flat'.


-> change your Title



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Apart from whats been said already.


Sort out your create account page. DOB and Gender are not necesary, unles you plan to send me a birthday card. I hate pinting this out, i asume you are americam, so do you realy use postcode. Shouldnt it be zipcode. I may be wrong.


Your advanced search page. Remove the search by date, as few people use it. Alteer your advanced search help text to something that you sell on your site. It looks better. Most people miss this.


In your top navbar top and catalog lead to the same places. Do you need them both.


In your categories box most of the text starts with a capital, but not coveralls. Keep them all the same.


Your product descriptions could be better. Break the text up with paragraphs or bullet points. It looks better and is easier to read.


Add some metatags and seo contributions.


Try to move away from the oscommerce look, if nothing else you will get more feedback. Change the look using your stylesheet, play and see what things do. Try to make your site stand out from the crowd. Check out your competitions websites and see what you should be aiming at.


Once you have done all this, and what others have said, then come back for more feedback. People will help you, if they think you are putting an effort into things.


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Your store is rather stock ...


You need a color scheme, a good start would be designing a scheme around your logo (which I think would look good against a blue (same color as in the logo) background)



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