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Adding discount feature


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I've got my store setup with all of my car products, and I want to make it available for users who has a "discount code" to enter in the code and be charged a fewer price. Is there any add-on that can allow me to do this?

  • 3 weeks later...
Yes - search Contributions




Your tag line mentioned a 'vertical climb' learning curve!


The thought of installing 99 files for the GV package is too much.


Can someone suggest a really nasty hacky kludge for once-off use that says


"If this code is in the 'Comments about your order' field, reduce the amount by x.xx and insert a line saying that in the zone box after shipping, before total"


If someone is silly enough to try this on a product it does not apply to, I'll simply refuse the sale. This is VERY low volume stuff. Just a hack for four weeks.


I can edit PHP code but I can't read (understand) all the stuff in the files, it's way too compex and interrelated.





  • 1 month later...

Alright, so which file is the one that I need? There seems to be so many different files from different users and I'm not sure exactly which one I need. I downloaded one of the EXE files that would automatically do everything for me, but then when I went into the catalog admin pages, I couldn't find anything meaning I don't think it did anything. plus, I got a few errors.


None of my pages have been altered, just items added to the store. I'm willing to do the manual install, but finding the right file is the hard part.


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