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Darn, no. writing the link as http://www.mysite.com/page.html does the same result as mentioned above. Weird. How in the world do people do it. *sniffles*


update: I think it's cause of this at the top of /includes/modules/dynamic_sitemap.php file:

$path = DIR_WS_BOXES;
$pathFileName = DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'filenames.php';
$pathLanguage = DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '.php';


IF I understand it, it wants to look for ALL files only within /catalog/ .... whereas my .html pages are one level up at the root of the site. It doesn't know how to look there, regardless of how I write the path for the page/file in question.


How silly would it be if I made another sitemap to put on my html pages, that way I can include any and all pages I want?

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I've just installed Dynamic Sitemap v 2.0 according to the installation instructions. However, when I go to catalog/dynamic_sitemap.php nothing showing up, just empty page. What's wrong? By the way, I have STS installed if it matters.


Any help would be appreciated.


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here is a function i saw on antoehr contribution:


// Function    : tep_html_noquote

// Arguments : string any string

// Return : strips apostrophes from strings

//Used with "Orders at a glance" to workaround problem with apostrophes

function tep_html_noquote($string) {

return str_replace("'", "", $string);



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I have a question. I installed v1.6 last week just fine and dandy and got my sitemap page looking fine in relation to the right hand side links.


Today, I was using my page as an example for another person who was going to install this contribution and noticed that my right hand side links are messed up:


There is a bullet with missing information ... there's no link there either when you hover your mouse - so I have no clue what link disappeared.


It added the new login box - added that to "False" section. Refreshed page. It then added the new paypay box - added that to the "False" section.


But there is still "Links" - and it's not clickable. I already have a "Links" link. I do not have a "Links" infobox. Not sure where it's finding this second "Links" nor how to get rid of it.


But that bullet with missing information is bugging me. I have not deleted any files within Oscommerce. Only added as I had installed a login box and paypayl box since installing this contribution. How do I delete that bullet?


Here's my page in question:


Edited by Moonlight
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I installed this contribution today and have this error at the very top of the page:

Warning: is_dir(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(..) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/httpd/vhosts/fitness909.com/httpdocs:/tmp) in /home/httpd/vhosts/fitness909.com/httpdocs/includes/modules/dynamic_sitemap.php on line 114


I tried commenting out that code and still gave a parse error.


How would I fix this?


Thank you!

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But that bullet with missing information is bugging me. I have not deleted any files within Oscommerce. Only added as I had installed a login box and paypayl box since installing this contribution. How do I delete that bullet?

Hi Barbara


I too have that bullet, with no links, & would like to remove it. I will be watching for the answer as well. ;)



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This is my dynamic_sitemap.php page that I just installed and I don't have the bullet problem...only the other problem posted. Do a comparison.




$Id: dynamic_sitemap.php,v 1.0 2005/06/29

written by Jack_mcs at www.osocmmerce-solution.com


osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions



Copyright © 2003 osCommerce


Released under the GNU General Public License


require DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'dynamic_sitemap.php';


$path = DIR_WS_BOXES;

$pathFileName = DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'filenames.php';

$pathLanguage = DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '.php';

$boxText = array();


/********************* Find the infoboxes to add ***********************/

if ($handle = opendir($path))


if (!tep_session_is_registered('customer_id'))

$excluded_query = tep_db_query('select exclude_file from '.TABLE_SITEMAP_EXCLUDE.' where exclude_type != "0" and is_box="1"');


$excluded_query = tep_db_query('select exclude_file from '.TABLE_SITEMAP_EXCLUDE.' where exclude_type = "1" and is_box="1"');

$excluded_array = array();

if (tep_db_num_rows($excluded_query))

while($ex = tep_db_fetch_array($excluded_query))

$excluded_array[] = $ex['exclude_file'];



$found = false;

$ctr = 0;

while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle)))


if (substr($file, -4, 4) !== ".php")


elseif (in_array($file ,$excluded_array))



$file = $path . '/' . $file;

$fp = file($file);


for ($idx = 0; $idx < count($fp); ++$idx)


if ($posStart = strpos($fp[$idx], "BOX_HEADING") !== FALSE)


$parts = explode(" ", $fp[$idx]);

for ($i = 0; $i < count($parts); ++$i)


if (strpos($parts[$i], "BOX_HEADING") === FALSE)


$parts = explode(")", $parts[$i]); //$parts has full box heading text

$name = explode("_", $parts[0]); //ignore the BOX_HEADING part

for ($x = 3; $x < count($name); ++$x) //name may be more than one word


if (tep_not_null($name[$x]))

$name[2] .= ' ' . $name[$x];


$name[2] = strtolower($name[2]);

$name[2] = ucfirst($name[2]);

$boxHeading[$ctr]['heading'][$ctr] = $name[2];



else if ($posStart = strpos($fp[$idx], "FILENAME") !== FALSE)


$str = str_replace("'<a href=\"' . tep_href_link(", "", $fp[$idx]);

$str = str_replace("\$info_box_contents[] = array('text' => ", "", $str);


$parts = explode(")", $str);

$parts[0] = trim($parts[0]);


$boxParts = explode(".", $parts[1]);

$boxParts[2] = trim($boxParts[2]);


if (tep_not_null($boxParts[2]))


$boxHeading[$ctr]['filename'][] = getFileName($pathFileName, $parts[0]);

$boxHeading[$ctr]['boxtext'][] = getBoxText($pathLanguage, $boxParts[2]);




if (tep_not_null($box_heading))


echo 'Invalid code for this module found in the following infobox: '.$boxHeading[$ctr]['heading'][$ctr].'<br>';












/********************* Find the pages to add ***********************/

$ctr = 0;

($dir = opendir('.')) || die("Failed to open dir");

$files = array();


if (!tep_session_is_registered('customer_id'))

$excluded_query = tep_db_query('select exclude_file from '.TABLE_SITEMAP_EXCLUDE.' where exclude_type != "0" and is_box="0"');


$excluded_query = tep_db_query('select exclude_file from '.TABLE_SITEMAP_EXCLUDE.' where exclude_type = "1" and is_box="0"');

$excluded_array = array();

if (tep_db_num_rows($excluded_query))

while($ex = tep_db_fetch_array($excluded_query))

$excluded_array[] = $ex['exclude_file'];


while(false !== ($file = readdir($dir)))


//if((! is_dir($file) && substr($file, -4, 4) === ".php") && !in_array($file ,$excluded_array))//only look at php files and skip that are excluded


$engFile = DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/' . $file;

if (file_exists($engFile) && IsViewable($file))



$fp = file($engFile);


for ($idx = 0; $idx < count($fp); ++$idx)


if (strpos($fp[$idx], "define('HEADING_TITLE") !== FALSE)


$fp[$idx] = stripslashes($fp[$idx]);

$p_start = strpos($fp[$idx], ",");

$p_start = strpos($fp[$idx], "'", $p_start);

$p_stop = strpos($fp[$idx], "'", $p_start + 2);

$files['name'][] = str_replace('%s', '', ucfirst(substr($fp[$idx], $p_start + 1, $p_stop - $p_start - 1)));

$files['path'][] = $file;








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I have a question. I installed v1.6 last week just fine and dandy and got my sitemap page looking fine in relation to the right hand side links.


Today, I was using my page as an example for another person who was going to install this contribution and noticed that my right hand side links are messed up:


There is a bullet with missing information ... there's no link there either when you hover your mouse - so I have no clue what link disappeared.


It added the new login box - added that to "False" section. Refreshed page. It then added the new paypay box - added that to the "False" section.


But there is still "Links" - and it's not clickable. I already have a "Links" link. I do not have a "Links" infobox. Not sure where it's finding this second "Links" nor how to get rid of it.


But that bullet with missing information is bugging me. I have not deleted any files within Oscommerce. Only added as I had installed a login box and paypayl box since installing this contribution. How do I delete that bullet?


Here's my page in question:


I don't know what page that is but the pages are added as they appear in the shop, alphabetically. So the page before the missing one is create_account.php and the one after is login.php. There are only a few files in between there. Try excluding them all and see what happens. As for the links box, if you installed the latest Links Manager, then there is a Links box in it. That might be what you are seeing.



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I installed this contribution today and have this error at the very top of the page:

Warning: is_dir(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(..) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/httpd/vhosts/fitness909.com/httpdocs:/tmp) in /home/httpd/vhosts/fitness909.com/httpdocs/includes/modules/dynamic_sitemap.php on line 114


I tried commenting out that code and still gave a parse error.


How would I fix this?


Thank you!

That error is due to a server setting so you will need to contact your host and see if they will change it.



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Hi Jack,


It is my server and I have all the vhost.conf files setup to stop this error except for this contribution.


If I remove a ( bracket from that line then I get a parse error and when I put it back I get the open-base error.


I think there is something wrong with this one line.

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I don't know what page that is but the pages are added as they appear in the shop, alphabetically. So the page before the missing one is create_account.php and the one after is login.php. There are only a few files in between there. Try excluding them all and see what happens. As for the links box, if you installed the latest Links Manager, then there is a Links box in it. That might be what you are seeing.



Thanks Jack :thumbsup:

That helped me too. It proved to be the index.php. Now I do not have a blank bullet point in my site map.



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Hi Jack,


It is my server and I have all the vhost.conf files setup to stop this error except for this contribution.


If I remove a ( bracket from that line then I get a parse error and when I put it back I get the open-base error.


I think there is something wrong with this one line.

No, I'm pretty sure it is a server problem. Take a look at the open_basedir setting and make sure it is set to "no value".



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I found this code on line 125:

if (strpos($fp[$idx], "define('HEADING_TITLE") !== FALSE)


I changed it to:

if (strpos($fp[$idx], define('HEADING_TITLE') !== FALSE)


and with the previous code left as is on line 114 I don't get the open_base error but do get this error:

Parse error: parse error in /home/httpd/vhosts/fitness909.com/httpdocs/includes/modules/dynamic_sitemap.php on line 125


This is the whole listing from line 114 down to 125:


if((! is_dir($file) && substr($file, -4, 4) === ".php") && !in_array($file ,$excluded_array))//only look at php files and skip that are excluded


$engFile = DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/' . $file;

if (file_exists($engFile) && IsViewable($file))



$fp = file($engFile);


for ($idx = 0; $idx < count($fp); ++$idx)



// gives open base error if enabled

// if (strpos($fp[$idx], "define('HEADING_TITLE") !== FALSE)


// using this one removes open base error but gives parse error

if (strpos($fp[$idx]), "define('HEADING_TITLE") !== FALSE)

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It is set like this:

;open_basedir =


which means it's commented out. I use plesk so I have to setup vhost.conf and vhost_ssl.conf files to set the open_base like this:


<Directory /home/httpd/vhosts/fitness909.com/httpdocs>

php_admin_flag engine on

php_admin_value safe_mode 0

php_admin_value register_globals 1

php_admin_value open_basedir /home/httpd/vhosts/fitness909.com/httpdocs:/tmp:/usr/share/pear



which is the domain I'm having the problems with.

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I don't know what page that is but the pages are added as they appear in the shop, alphabetically. So the page before the missing one is create_account.php and the one after is login.php. There are only a few files in between there. Try excluding them all and see what happens. As for the links box, if you installed the latest Links Manager, then there is a Links box in it. That might be what you are seeing.



Like I said, I am using v1.6 - no Links box. Nor do I want one. The ONLY changes I made to Oscommerce after installing Links Manager was the Login Box and PayPal Box, both of which only dealt with a few files, none of which would affect Links Manager - so I still do not know where that extra "Links" came from. It literally showed up out of the blue.


I have so many files commented out to begin with - have no way to figure out which one is missing. And why would a file just arbitrarily disappear? When I installed this contribution, it was perfect. And was perfect for 2 days. Now ... weird things are happening.


Would posting my modules/dynamic_sitemap.php help in anyway?

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I found this code on line 125:

if (strpos($fp[$idx], "define('HEADING_TITLE") !== FALSE)


I changed it to:

if (strpos($fp[$idx], define('HEADING_TITLE') !== FALSE)

That's invalid code.



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php_admin_value open_basedir /home/httpd/vhosts/fitness909.com/httpdocs:/tmp:/usr/share/pear


Take a look at the open_basedir setting and make sure it is set to "no value".



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I tried it with and without those vhost files and still the same error.


I changed the code back to the original in modules/dynamic_sitempa.php and got the open_base error again so I commented out this code:


//if((! is_dir($file) && substr($file, -4, 4) === ".php") && !in_array($file ,$excluded_array))//only look at php files and skip that are excluded


$engFile = DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/' . $file;

if (file_exists($engFile) && IsViewable($file))



$fp = file($engFile);


for ($idx = 0; $idx < count($fp); ++$idx)


// gives open base error

if (strpos($fp[$idx], "define('HEADING_TITLE") !== FALSE)




Then I got this error:


Warning: file(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(..) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/httpd/vhosts/fitness909.com/httpdocs:/tmp:/usr/share/pear) in /home/httpd/vhosts/fitness909.com/httpdocs/includes/functions/dynamic_sitemap.php on line 45


Warning: file(..): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted in /home/httpd/vhosts/fitness909.com/httpdocs/includes/functions/dynamic_sitemap.php on line 45



So I went to the includes/functions/dynamic_sitemap.php and commented out line 45 which is:

// $fp = file($file);

and now it is clear with the exception of the "Information" and "Manufacturer" names are not linked whereas they were before. Please take another look at this:


Edited by modom
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  • 3 weeks later...

Can anyone help me with this error?


Warning: is_dir(): Stat failed for httpsdocs (errno=40 - Too many levels of symbolic links)



How can I get the modules/dynamic_sitemap.php file to ignore this file?



Thanks in advance!



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What does this mean in the readme file in v. 2.0? There is not that kind of lines in admin/includes/boxes/tools.php.


Is there somekind of error? which version should I download?


6) In admin/includes/boxes/tools.php



define('BOX_TOOLS_WHOS_ONLINE', 'Who\'s Online');


define('BOX_TOOLS_SITEMAP', 'Sitemap');



define('IMAGE_UPLOAD', 'Upload');


define('IMAGE_EXCLUDE', 'Exclude');

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