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Dynamic SiteMap


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well some are repeating them selves like


"My Account Information

My Account Information"


some words like


" What "


and then words like


" I "


" %s Reviews "


and the left colon is also long


can you help me with this ??

The names of the links are built from the text in the language file. You can change that text to fix the problem, although sometimes that is not possible, or you can add the link to the exclude list. To do that, just roll the mouse over the link and the file you need to exclude will appear at the bottom of the browser.



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ok jack that's fine, but what if i need to remove all file links that are avaiable to members only. will i need to all the restricted areas links to the exclude list also, it there any other way.


one more thing you said those names come from language files, but why do then i have


define (


for my homepage

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Yes, you have to exclud ethem all. I don't know why you are seeing that. I suppose the language file doesn't have the heading define.



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see the language file's header contents



// header text in includes/header.php

define('HEADER_TITLE_CREATE_ACCOUNT', 'Create an Account');

define('HEADER_TITLE_MY_ACCOUNT', 'My Account');

define('HEADER_TITLE_CART_CONTENTS', 'Cart Contents');

define('HEADER_TITLE_CHECKOUT', 'Checkout');

define('HEADER_TITLE_TOP', 'Home');

define('HEADER_TITLE_CATALOG', 'Catalog');

define('HEADER_TITLE_LOGOFF', 'Sign Out');

define('HEADER_TITLE_LOGIN', 'Sign In');


// footer text in includes/footer.php

define('FOOTER_TEXT_REQUESTS_SINCE', 'requests since');

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hi, ok jack the next thing i did like to do is to dynamically create links for my menus, just like the information box.


where should i go editing it , i have my drop-down menu at bhuratea.com , i want the links to form as


Menu 1



Menu 2








any help would be nice, as i installed this cont for my menu functionality.



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The names of the links are built from the text in the language file. You can change that text to fix the problem, although sometimes that is not possible, or you can add the link to the exclude list. To do that, just roll the mouse over the link and the file you need to exclude will appear at the bottom of the browser.




I have put the (What) word the mouse over it and got shopping_cart.php so I pu tit in the exclude i think is in catalog/include/module/dynamic_sitemap.php


strpos($file, 'shopping_cart') !== FALSE ||


but it doesnt work what should i do now ???


please help

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I have installed "Dynamic SiteMap" and in the install guide is a note

"Some files and infoboxes are not meant to be displayed in a sitemap.

In catalog/includes/modules/sitemap.php, there are two places

where some files are excluded."

I can't find the sitemap.php file ?

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If you post a link to your site, I will look at it and see if I can figure it out.




here is my link






$Id: dynamic_sitemap.php,v 1.0 2005/06/29

written by Jack_mcs at www.osocmmerce-solution.com


osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions



Copyright © 2003 osCommerce


Released under the GNU General Public License


require DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'dynamic_sitemap.php';


$path = DIR_WS_BOXES;

$pathFileName = DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'filenames.php';

$pathLanguage = DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '.php';

$boxText = array();


/********************* Find the infoboxes to add ***********************/

if ($handle = opendir($path))


$found = false;

$ctr = 0;

while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle)))


if (substr($file, -4, 4) !== ".php")


else if (strpos($file, 'best_sellers') !== FALSE || //ignore these since

strpos($file, 'affiliate') !== FALSE ||

strpos($file, 'card') !== FALSE ||

strpos($file, 'loginbox') !== FALSE ||

strpos($file, 'resources') !== FALSE ||

strpos($file, 'categories') !== FALSE || //they don't use a

strpos($file, 'currencies') !== FALSE || //standard format

strpos($file, 'languages') !== FALSE ||

strpos($file, 'manufacturer_info') !== FALSE ||

strpos($file, 'shopping_cart') !== FALSE ||

strpos($file, 'manufacturer') !== FALSE ||

strpos($file, 'order_history') !== FALSE ||

strpos($file, 'product_notifications') !== FALSE ||

strpos($file, 'reviews') !== FALSE ||

strpos($file, 'search') !== FALSE ||

strpos($file, 'shopping_cart') !== FALSE ||

strpos($file, 'specials') !== FALSE ||

strpos($file, 'tell_a_friend') !== FALSE ||

strpos($file, 'whats_new') !== FALSE )





$file = $path . '/' . $file;

$fp = file($file);


for ($idx = 0; $idx < count($fp); ++$idx)


if ($posStart = strpos($fp[$idx], "BOX_HEADING") !== FALSE)


$parts = explode(" ", $fp[$idx]);

for ($i = 0; $i < count($parts); ++$i)


if (strpos($parts[$i], "BOX_HEADING") === FALSE)


$parts = explode(")", $parts[$i]); //$parts has full box heading text

$name = explode("_", $parts[0]); //ignore the BOX_HEADING part

for ($x = 3; $x < count($name); ++$x) //name may be more than one word


if (tep_not_null($name[$x]))

$name[2] .= ' ' . $name[$x];


$name[2] = strtolower($name[2]);

$name[2] = ucfirst($name[2]);

$boxHeading[$ctr]['heading'][$ctr] = $name[2];



else if ($posStart = strpos($fp[$idx], "FILENAME") !== FALSE)


$str = str_replace("'<a href=\"' . tep_href_link(", "", $fp[$idx]);

$str = str_replace("\$info_box_contents[] = array('text' => ", "", $str);


$parts = explode(")", $str);

$parts[0] = trim($parts[0]);


$boxParts = explode(".", $parts[1]);

$boxParts[2] = trim($boxParts[2]);


if (tep_not_null($boxParts[2]))


$boxHeading[$ctr]['filename'][] = getFileName($pathFileName, $parts[0]);

$boxHeading[$ctr]['boxtext'][] = getBoxText($pathLanguage, $boxParts[2]);




if (tep_not_null($box_heading))


echo 'Invalid code for this module found in the following infobox: '.$boxHeading[$ctr]['heading'][$ctr].'<br>';












/********************* Find the pages to add ***********************/

$ctr = 0;

($dir = opendir('.')) || die("Failed to open dir");

$files = array();

while(false !== ($file = readdir($dir)))


if(! is_dir($file) && substr($file, -4, 4) === ".php") //only look at php files


$engFile = DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/' . $file;

if (file_exists($engFile) && IsViewable($file))


if (strpos($file, "product_info.php") !== FALSE ||

strpos($file, "create_account_success.php") !== FALSE ||

strpos($file, "links_submit_success.php") !== FALSE ||

strpos($file, "checkout_process.php") !== FALSE )



$fp = file($engFile);


for ($idx = 0; $idx < count($fp); ++$idx)


if (strpos($fp[$idx], "define('HEADING_TITLE") !== FALSE)


$fp[$idx] = stripslashes($fp[$idx]);

$p_start = strpos($fp[$idx], ",");

$p_start = strpos($fp[$idx], "'", $p_start);

$p_stop = strpos($fp[$idx], "'", $p_start + 2);

$files['name'][] = ucfirst(substr($fp[$idx], $p_start + 1, $p_stop - $p_start - 1));

$files['path'][] = $file;








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The top section is for infoboxes. The files are excluded in the bottom section of code. You need to add it there.



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I don't see a V 1.61 so i can't comment on that. But if you have the version rigth before V 1.6, the difference is only one file. You could upload that and see if it works. If not, just upload your old file again (which you would have backed up, of course).



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I don't see a V 1.61 so i can't comment on that. But if you have the version rigth before V 1.6, the difference is only one file. You could upload that and see if it works. If not, just upload your old file again (which you would have backed up, of course).




There was a problem with part of the code which meant that nested list was generated incorrectly leading to validation errors


This is just a replacement for the /catalog/includes/classes/category_tree.php


Now the html tags are in the right order.

$Id: category_tree.php,v1.2 2004/05/10 hpdl Exp $
# corrected the nested lists

osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions

Copyright (c) 2004 osCommerce

Released under the GNU General Public License

class osC_CategoryTree {
var $root_category_id = 0,
$max_level = 0,
$data = array(),
$root_start_string = '',
$root_end_string = '',
$parent_start_string = '',
$parent_end_string = '',
$parent_group_start_string = '<ul class="sitemap">',
$parent_group_end_string = '</ul> ',
$child_start_string = '<li>',
$child_end_string = '</li> ',
$spacer_string = '',
$spacer_multiplier = 1;

function osC_CategoryTree($load_from_database = true) {
global $languages_id;
$categories_query = tep_db_query("select c.categories_id, cd.categories_name, c.parent_id from " . TABLE_CATEGORIES . " c, " . TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION . " cd where c.categories_id = cd.categories_id and cd.language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "' order by c.parent_id, c.sort_order, cd.categories_name");

$this->data = array();

while ($categories = tep_db_fetch_array($categories_query)) {
$this->data[$categories['parent_id']][$categories['categories_id']] = array('name' => $categories['categories_name'], 'count' => 0);}
} //end class osC_CategoryTree

function buildBranch($parent_id, $level = 0) {
$result = $this->parent_group_start_string; //starts the <ul> tag

if (isset($this->data[$parent_id])) {
	foreach ($this->data[$parent_id] as $category_id => $category) {
		$category_link = $category_id;

		$result .= $this->child_start_string; // prints <li>

		if (isset($this->data[$category_id])) {$result .= $this->parent_start_string;} //prints nothing

		if ($level == 0) {$result .= $this->root_start_string;} //prints nothing

		$result .= str_repeat($this->spacer_string, $this->spacer_multiplier * $level) . '<a title="'. $category['name'] . '" href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, 'cPath=' . $category_link) . '">';

		$result .= $category['name'];

		$result .= '</a>';

		if ($level == 0) {$result .= $this->root_end_string;} //prints nothing

		if (isset($this->data[$category_id])) {$result .= $this->parent_end_string;} //prints </ul>

		if (isset($this->data[$category_id]) && (($this->max_level == '0') || ($this->max_level > $level+1))) {
		$result .= $this->buildBranch($category_id, $level+1);}

		$result .= $this->child_end_string; //prints </li>

	}// end foreach
} // end if (isset 

$result .= $this->parent_group_end_string; //<prints </ul>

return $result;
} //end function

function buildTree() { return $this->buildBranch($this->root_category_id);}}



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Sorry it is called corrected category_tree.php


I do not know how to compare the two files nor understand html so am not sure if I should upload this file, as it hasn't appeared on the support thread?




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I have just done a CSE HTML validator check on Jack's category_tree.php & it says congratulations No errors. :thumbsup: So I am taking that to mean it is OK & I do not need to download the latest corrected category_tree.php file & replace the original, just in case anyone is interested. :D



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jack,


Thanks for the great contribution - just a quick question, I have installed this & so far so good :thumbsup:

if I may ask you though - do you know what the next step is & or what it is I need to do in order to get this indexed into google site map?


much thanks


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By "google site map" I assume youi mean the google index, not their site map. There are quite a few changes needed for an oscommerce site to place well but discussion of them doesn't belong in this this thread. Search the forums for SEO and you will find many threads that deal with this topic.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I just need to glout - sorry! *grins*


I just installed this contribution with no problems. It took me about an hour mainly cause I had 25 files to add to the exclusion list and the information box also (cause it was repeating links). It also ended up showing me a few files I missed in fixing up to conform with the rest of my site. I'm still trying to decide if I want to pare down the list of existing links showing though.


Say, the links on the right - Informational links - any way to put them in Alphabetical Order?


I'm falling asleep - I'll submit in my sitemap to Google later on today.


Thank you, Jack for this contribution!

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How to sort has been asked before. I posted some code but I don't recall the result. You can read through this thread to find it. I will at sorting to the next update but I can't say when that will be.



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Alphabetizing - the code you had suggested to go before the last ?> does not work, as I get the same errors as the person who was trying to get it to work at the time - the right column of links disappearing.


I just wanted to alphabetize those links for a Customer Service Aesthetic looking thingy (I'm so technical! LOL), but not a priority and will wait to see if you add a fix for this in upcoming updates.


Also, the same person was adding in other site pages (html) and you gave the following code to adding before the last ?>:

$files['name'][] = 'Link Name';
$files['path'][] = 'file.php';


I tried that and entered a path to my .html pages, just one for testing and it gave me when you hover your mouse over the link:



I have several key .html pages that should be included in the site map that are: www.mysite.com/page.html and my store is at: www.mysite.com/catalog.


Now, when I entered the path to the page, I did type in the full URL since it was outsite of the catalog, figuring it would need that. Was I wrong? Any other suggestions?


Thanks in advance.

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This was your answer:

At the very bottom of the file before the ?>, add this
$files['name'][] = 'Test Link';
$files['path'][] = 'test.php';

You will need to change them to whatever you want of course but it should work.




The initial question was post #120 (bottom of page 6 for me), which posts #:121,123,124, and your answer of #126 above. (all on page 7 of the thread).


It worked in every way except for the actual hyperlink itself - that doesn't display right when hovering your mouse over it and obviously thus doesn't go to the correct URL. It might just be how I write the path since my .html pages are outside of catalog and in the root of the site itself, whereas the code above wants to look in /catalog/ for the files.

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