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Contrib Installer


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Thanks for quick reply. I am using Contrib_Installer_1.0.14. If contrib does not exist why does it confirm install.xml file ok. The contrib exists as indicated by the error but when installing it seems to include "//"




Directory permission is 755


I'm also getting this with all the other contributions. i must be missing something really obvious. help


Contrib Installer

Installing Contribution: Easy Populate 2.79a FP1

From install file: /home/default/netxonline.co.uk/user/htdocs/catalog/admin/contributions/Easy Populate 2.79a FP1/install.xml



CIP by Tero Niemi, other credits in Readme.txt


Import/export tabular CSV files

Checking config file:

File install.xml is valid.

Checking permissions:

Permissions is OK.


File NOT exists (addfile #1): /home/default/netxonline.co.uk/user/htdocs/catalog/admin/contributions//catalog/admin/easypopulate.php

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Thanks for quick reply. I am using Contrib_Installer_1.0.14. If contrib does not exist why does it confirm install.xml file ok. The contrib exists as indicated by the error but when installing it seems to include "//"




Directory permission is 755


I'm also getting this with all the other contributions. i must be missing something really obvious. help


Contrib Installer

Installing Contribution: Easy Populate 2.79a FP1

From install file: /home/default/netxonline.co.uk/user/htdocs/catalog/admin/contributions/Easy Populate 2.79a FP1/install.xml



CIP by Tero Niemi, other credits in Readme.txt


Import/export tabular CSV files

Checking config file:

File install.xml is valid.

Checking permissions:

Permissions is OK.


File NOT exists (addfile #1): /home/default/netxonline.co.uk/user/htdocs/catalog/admin/contributions//catalog/admin/easypopulate.php

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To stiksandstones:


To remove by hands:

1. open browser

2. open phpMyAdmin or similar (to operate with MySQL database)

3. Open your database in it.

4. Run sql-commands (in phpMyAdmin tab has the name "SQL"):


DELETE FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_title = 'Contrib Installer';
DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_title = 'Contribution Directory';
DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'TEXT_LINK_FORUM';
DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'TEXT_LINK_CONTR';


This is SQL statments. You never find it in php-code!!!

Look for it in database.



Never give up! Never give up! Never give up!

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to bosey:

File NOT exists (addfile #1): /home/default/netxonline.co.uk/user/htdocs/catalog/admin/contributions//catalog/admin/easypopulate.php


After Contrib Installer checks a permissions that he checks a conflicts.

At this stage you get an error.

I've looked in code and can tell you this chacks if this file exists:

if (!is_file(MODULE_CONTRIB_INSTALLER_DIR_FS_CONTRIBUTIONS . $contrib . '/catalog/' . $t_array[$loop_index]['FILE'][0]['@']['NAME'])) {
						error (FILE_NOT_EXISTS_TEXT." (addfile #".($loop_index+1)."): ".
								MODULE_CONTRIB_INSTALLER_DIR_FS_CONTRIBUTIONS . $contrib . '/catalog/' . $t_array[$loop_index]['FILE'][0]['@']['NAME']."<br>");


So you check please if file that must be added really exists at right place and check if this file readable for script which is running with rights of Apache (web-server) - nobody/nobody.


Name of contrib must be in this part of code. May be you have some different server settings for PHP.

Sorry, I don't know. Try to change a Contrib Installer code to see where is an error...


Never give up! Never give up! Never give up!

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to bosey:



After Contrib Installer checks a permissions that he checks a conflicts.

At this stage you get an error.

I've looked in code and can tell you this chacks if this file exists:

if (!is_file(MODULE_CONTRIB_INSTALLER_DIR_FS_CONTRIBUTIONS . $contrib . '/catalog/' . $t_array[$loop_index]['FILE'][0]['@']['NAME'])) {
						error (FILE_NOT_EXISTS_TEXT." (addfile #".($loop_index+1)."): ".
								MODULE_CONTRIB_INSTALLER_DIR_FS_CONTRIBUTIONS . $contrib . '/catalog/' . $t_array[$loop_index]['FILE'][0]['@']['NAME']."<br>");


So you check please if file that must be added really exists at right place and check if this file readable for script which is running with rights of Apache (web-server) - nobody/nobody.


Name of contrib must be in this part of code. May be you have some different server settings for PHP.

Sorry, I don't know. Try to change a Contrib Installer code to see where is an error...




I think I have found the problem. The instructions say you should copy the contributions .zip file to /contributions or extract .zip file and put into /contributions folder. When you do this, the "catalog" folder of the contribution to be installed is then within a subfolder under the /contributions folder and so the installation fails with the error I have been getting because it expects the catalog folder to be in the root of /contributions.


e.g. we want to install Contrib_Installer_DE so we place Contrib_Installer_DE.x.x.zip into our contributions folder



--------------------Contributons >-Contrib_Installer_DE.x.x.zip


Contrib Installer will unzip this file and create a folder under the /Contributions folder... so...






The installer the seems to want to find the contributions files in the root of /contributions where as they are actually in the root of /contributions/Contrib_Installer_De.x.x

Once i realised this and copied files to the root of /contributions everything works and I no longer get the // error



With regards to the Admin Acess contrib... where is the .sql file?

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I have a question about my installation of Contrib Installer 1.0.14a


I have gotten the following error and I am not sure how to fix the problem.



1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax near '; ' at line 7


CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `contrib_installer` ( `ID` int(4) NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `line_number` int(5) unsigned default NULL, `file` varchar(255) default NULL, `contrib_name` varchar(255) default NULL );



You help would be greatly appreciated.



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I am having a problem installing easy populator from contrib installer.

I get


No query tag in sql section #9


No remove query necessary for SQL query:


I have looked in the xml file and it all looks ok to me but I am not totally clued up on these things. Tried versions 2.8 and 2.79a of EP same problem with both.


Any help would be appreciated




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I am having a problem installing easy populator from contrib installer.

I get


No query tag in sql section #9


No remove query necessary for SQL query:



Just look back a few post - i had the same problem, obviously contribution installer checks for empty remove tags - wich not really is very convinient, but makes sense somehow -


You have to fill evry remove_Query tag with a nonsens SQL Stemement - like Vlad made the point:


for example <remove_Query>SELECT 1;</remove_query> wich does nothing but its a correct statement.





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Thanks but it doesn't fix it as there are no empty remove tags....


it seems to be a problem with the SQL tags...ie the no query tag bit....so when it reads that it then says you don't need the remove statement.


I will have another look at it but again any help would be appreciated




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Can't get it to work?!


I just installed the contrib_installer package - but there are no signs of it working...


my Admin area has no buttons for the installer... don't see the install & uninstall everyone is talking about.


can someone help me? what is wrong? :blush:

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Can someone help here?


I was installing the Contrib Installer into my site. Copied all the files - and ran




Specified the contribution directory... and clicked continue... AND - NOTHING HAPPENS !!!!


I never get a "next page" :(


Please can someone advise what's going wrong?

The script doesn't seem to install it self.....


What am I doing wrong?


I followed all instructions (I think) but there are no buttons in the admin tools, and there are no signs that the contrib_installer dose anything at all, why?

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Hello Rinon,


Tried installing the All Products 2.8. What I did was I just dropped the entire folder into my admin/contributions folder. Then I went to the admin menu and clicked install. The problem is that I am getting the following:


Checking permissions: (addfile #1) I need write permission for: /home/reefthin/public_html/


I have tried changing permissions to 777 but I keep on getting the same result.


Can you help?


Thank you

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Checking permissions: (addfile #1) I need write permission for: /home/reefthin/public_html/

I have tried changing permissions to 777 but I keep on getting the same result.


When you upload files by FTP you may have a file owner and group different from web-server rights. Check it.

Use Contrib Installer 1.0.14a (not 1.0.14)


Never give up! Never give up! Never give up!

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Thanks but it doesn't fix it as there are no empty remove tags....


it seems to be a problem with the SQL tags...ie the no query tag bit....so when it reads that it then says you don't need the remove statement.


I will have another look at it but again any help would be appreciated




problem was in chars "<sql><query>INSERT INTO configuration VALUES (NULL, 'Price Includes Tax', 'EP_PRICE_INC_TAX', 'false', 'If this is set to "true" you want the price to be defined for import "&" export including tax.', 17, 8, now(), now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),')">"</query>" line

correct cip for ep2.79b-ms2:

	<details contrib_ref="500" forum_ref="0" contrib_type="Features" status="0" last_update="2006-01-25" />
	<comments>Import/export tabular CSV files</comments>
	<credits>CIP by Tero Niemi, other credits in Readme.txt</credits>
	<file name="admin/includes/boxes/catalog.php" />
	<find><![CDATA[								   '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">' . BOX_CATALOG_CATEGORIES_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES . '</a><br>' .]]></find>
	<add type="php"><![CDATA['<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_IMP_EXP_CATALOG, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">' . BOX_CATALOG_IMP_EXP . '</a><br>' .]]></add>
	<findlinenumbers start="18" end="18" />
	<file name="admin/includes/filenames.php" />
	<find><![CDATA[// define the filenames used in the project]]></find>
	<add type="php"><![CDATA[define('FILENAME_IMP_EXP_CATALOG', 'easypopulate.php');]]></add>
	<findlinenumbers start="13" end="13" />
<file name="admin/includes/languages/english.php" />
	<find><![CDATA[  Released under the GNU General Public License
	<add type="php"><![CDATA[define('BOX_CATALOG_IMP_EXP', 'Easy Populate');]]></add>
	<findlinenumbers start="10" end="11" />
	<parent_dir name="" />
	<dir name="temp" />
	<file name="admin/easypopulate.php" />
	<file name="admin/includes/functions/easypopulate_functions.php" />
	<file name="admin/includes/languages/english/easypopulate.php" />
<sql><query>INSERT INTO configuration_group (configuration_group_id, configuration_group_title, configuration_group_description, sort_order, visible) VALUES ('17', 'Easy Populate', 'Easy Populate', '17', '1')</query>
<remove_query>DELETE from configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_id = '17' AND configuration_group_title='Easy Populate'</remove_query></sql>
<sql><query>INSERT INTO configuration VALUES (NULL, 'Temp Directory', 'EP_TEMP_DIR', 'temp/', 'If you changed your directory structure from stock and do not have /catalog/temp/, then you need to change this accordingly.', 17, 1, now(), now(), NULL, NULL)</query>
<remove_query>DELETE from configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'EP_TEMP_DIR'</remove_query></sql>
<sql><query>INSERT INTO configuration VALUES (NULL, 'Set Time Limt', 'EP_SET_TIME_LIMIT', 'false', 'Set to "true" if you are not on a safe mode server and you are getting timeouts.', 17, 2, now(), now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),')</query>
<remove_query>DELETE from configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'EP_SET_TIME_LIMIT'</remove_query></sql>
<sql><query>INSERT INTO configuration VALUES (NULL, 'Max Split Records', 'EP_MAX_RECS', '300', 'If you are splitting files, this will set the maximum number of records to put in each file.', 17, 3, now(), now(), NULL, NULL)</query>
<remove_query>DELETE from configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'EP_MAX_RECS'</remove_query></sql>
<sql><query>INSERT INTO configuration VALUES (NULL, 'Default Category Image', 'EP_CAT_IMAGE', '', 'Default category image used when auto-creating categories (eg. "no_image_category.gif")', 17, 4, now(), now(), NULL, NULL)</query>
<remove_query>DELETE from configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'EP_CAT_IMAGE'</remove_query></sql>
<sql><query>INSERT INTO configuration VALUES (NULL, 'Default Manufacturer Image', 'EP_MANF_IMAGE', '', 'Default manufacturer image used when auto-creating manufacturers (eg. "no_image_manufacturer.gif")', 17, 5, now(), now(), NULL, NULL)</query>
<remove_query>DELETE from configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'EP_MANF_IMAGE'</remove_query></sql>
<sql><query>INSERT INTO configuration VALUES (NULL, 'Default Products Image', 'EP_PROD_IMAGE', '', 'Default product image used when auto-creating products (eg. "no_image_product.gif")', 17, 6, now(), now(), NULL, NULL)</query>
<remove_query>DELETE from configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'EP_PROD_IMAGE'</remove_query></sql>
<sql><query>INSERT INTO configuration VALUES (NULL, 'Zero Qty Behavior', 'EP_ZERO_QTY', 'false', 'If this is set to "true" then all items imported with zero qty will automatically be set to "Inactive".', 17, 7, now(), now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),')</query>
<remove_query>DELETE from configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'EP_ZERO_QTY'</remove_query></sql>
<sql><query>INSERT INTO configuration VALUES (NULL, 'Replace Quotes', 'EP_REPLACE_QUOTES', 'true', 'If you have extensive html in your descriptions and it\'s getting mangled on upload, turn this to "false."', 17, 9, now(), now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),')</query>
<remove_query>DELETE from configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'EP_REPLACE_QUOTES'</remove_query></sql>
<sql><query>INSERT INTO configuration VALUES (NULL, 'Delimiter', 'EP_DELIMITER', '\t', 'Remember, if your descriptions contain this character, you will confuse EP! (common delimiters - "(\\t - TAB will have be set using phpmyadmin or other utility as osc converts it into a string)"," ";" "~" "|" "-" "*").', 17, 10, now(), now(), NULL, NULL)</query>
<remove_query>DELETE from configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'EP_DELIMITER'</remove_query></sql>
<sql><query>INSERT INTO configuration VALUES (NULL, 'Maximum Categories', 'EP_MAX_CAT', '7', 'Max Category Levels to create.', 17, 11, now(), now(), NULL, NULL)</query>
<remove_query>DELETE from configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'EP_MAX_CAT'</remove_query></sql>
<sql><query>INSERT INTO configuration VALUES (NULL, 'Products With Attributes', 'EP_PROD_ATTR', 'true', 'If you do not want to download product attributes, change this to "false."', 17, 12, now(), now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),')</query>
<remove_query>DELETE from configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'EP_PROD_ATTR'</remove_query></sql>
<sql><query>INSERT INTO configuration VALUES (NULL, 'Froogle Product Info URL', 'EP_FROOGLE_PROD', '', 'Set this to the url of your products_info.php page (http://www.domain.com/catalog/product_info.php).', 17, 13, now(), now(), NULL, NULL)</query>
<remove_query>DELETE from configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'EP_FROOGLE_PROD'</remove_query></sql>
<sql><query>INSERT INTO configuration VALUES (NULL, 'Froogle Images URL', 'EP_FROOGLE_IMG', '', 'Set this to the url of your catalog images directory  (http://www.domain.com/catalog/images/).', 17, 14, now(), now(), NULL, NULL)</query>
<remove_query>DELETE from configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'EP_TEMP_IMG'</remove_query></sql>
<sql><query>INSERT INTO configuration VALUES (NULL, 'Froogle SEF URLs', 'EP_SEF_URLS', 'false', 'If your store has SEARCH ENGINE FRIENDLY URLS set, then turn this to "true".', 17, 15, now(), now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),')</query>
<remove_query>DELETE from configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'EP_SEF_URLS'</remove_query></sql>
<sql><query>INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Value of "v_status" field for Active product`s', 'EP_STATUS_ACTIVE', 'Active', 'Set value of "v_status" field for Active product`s (default "Active", but you can use any, for example "1").', 17, 16, now(), now(), NULL, NULL)</query>
<remove_query>DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key='EP_STATUS_ACTIVE'</remove_query></sql>
<sql><query>INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Value of "v_status" field for InActive product`s', 'EP_STATUS_INACTIVE', 'InActive', 'Set value of "v_status" field for InActive product`s (default "InActive", but you can use any, for example "0").', 17, 17, now(), now(), NULL, NULL)</query>
<remove_query>DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key='EP_STATUS_INACTIVE'</remove_query></sql>
<sql><query>INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Value for "v_status" field to Delete product', 'EP_STATUS_DELETE', 'Delete', 'Set value for "v_status" field to Delete product (default "Delete", but you can use any, for example "-1").', 17, 18, now(), now(), NULL, NULL)</query>
<remove_query>DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key='EP_STATUS_DELETE'</remove_query></sql>
<sql><query>INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Use Easypopulate Attributes Optimization?', 'EP_USE_AO', 'false', 'All this optimization does is first load the entire attributes and options tables into an arrays. Then while its going product by product, it no longer makes a seperate mysql query calls, it just grabs the data from the existing array. Use it?', 17, 20, now(), now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),')</query>
<remove_query>DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key='EP_USE_AO'</remove_query></sql>
<sql><query>INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Prevent EP from duplicate products in different subcategories?', 'EP_NO_DUPL', 'false', 'If you change the subcategory of existing product in your EP txt file, EP can just add product to a new subcategory (with "false" value), or untouch it from all old subcategories and add to new subcategory (with "true" value). Default is "false"', 17, 21, now(), now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),')</query>
<remove_query>DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key='EP_NO_DUPL'</remove_query></sql>
<sql><query>INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Activate support for separate prices per customer module?', 'EP_CONTRIB_SPPC', 'false', 'Activate support for separate prices per customer module? default is false', 17, 19, now(), now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),')</query>
<remove_query>DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key='EP_CONTRIB_SPPC'</remove_query></sql>
<sql><query>INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Activate support for Quantity Tracking Professional?', 'EP_CONTRIB_QTPRO', 'false', 'Activate support for  Quantity Tracking Professional? default is false', 17, 22, now(), now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),')</query>
<remove_query>DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key='EP_CONTRIB_QTPRO'</remove_query></sql>
<sql><query>INSERT INTO configuration VALUES (NULL, 'Price Includes Tax', 'EP_PRICE_INC_TAX', 'false', 'If this is set to "true" you want the price to be defined for import and export including tax.', 17, 8, now(), now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),')</query>
<remove_query>DELETE from configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'EP_PRICE_INC_TAX'</remove_query></sql>

just replase all text in your install.xml with this one

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Can someone help here?


I was installing the Contrib Installer into my site. Copied all the files - and ran




Specified the contribution directory... and clicked continue... AND - NOTHING HAPPENS !!!!


I never get a "next page" :(


Please can someone advise what's going wrong?

The script doesn't seem to install it self.....


What am I doing wrong?


I followed all instructions (I think) but there are no buttons in the admin tools, and there are no signs that the contrib_installer dose anything at all, why?



Can Anyone help me on this.. Please?

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problem was in chars "<sql><query>INSERT INTO configuration VALUES (NULL, 'Price Includes Tax', 'EP_PRICE_INC_TAX', 'false', 'If this is set to "true" you want the price to be defined for import "&" export including tax.', 17, 8, now(), now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),')">"</query>" line

correct cip for ep2.79b-ms2:



XML standard tells us to use:




instead of:



This also will resolve problems with another languages chars....


Never give up! Never give up! Never give up!

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File NOT exists (addfile #1): /home/default/netxonline.co.uk/user/htdocs/catalog/admin/contributions//catalog/admin/easypopulate.php


I have found the same problem after recompiling Apache, PHP and MySQL.

This message appears if register_globals:Off

If register_globals:On - all works fine.


So Contrib Installer not works correctly when register_globals:Off!!!



1. Use htaccess to enable register_globals (I don't know exectly how)

2. Wait for Contrib Installer update.


Never give up! Never give up! Never give up!

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Uploaded Contrib Installer 1.0.15


Changes since 1.0.14a:

- Added in addcode_xml_check()

($t_array[$loop_index]['FINDLINENUMBERS'][0]['@']['TYPE'] != 'continued' or

$t_array[$loop_index]['FINDLINENUMBERS'][0]['@']['TYPE'] != 'new'))

So we can use both type="new" and type="continued".


- Fixed bug. When register_globals is Off Contrib Installer losts the contrib name at the installation time.

Now the contrib name is a function parameter for each function in this files:




tag_actions.php (here is a function call)


Never give up! Never give up! Never give up!

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Uploaded Contrib Installer 1.0.15


i've got this problem when I install the script


PHP runtime messages:



1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax near '; ' at line 7


CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `contrib_installer` ( `ID` int(4) NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `line_number` int(5) unsigned default NULL, `file` varchar(255) default NULL, `contrib_name` varchar(255) default NULL );



when i paste the code in phpmyadmin the table is created but not with the script. Someone have an idea?

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ok Vlad just some quick thoughts, as somebody who will hopefully be adding many CIPs as I come across them:


1) I was thinking about the install of CIPs on existing modified systems, would one solution be to allow people to somehow run a limited xml file for the contribs they know that are installed? This would add the entries in to the database with the appropriate details, and therefore they could be checked, I know this would only work for those contribs with an existing CIP, unless the person wanted to develop this themselves, but would resolve the issue of existing store setups potentially.


2) How do you do resolves for conflicts in files? When there are two contribs trying to alter the same file? Would there be anyway to write case scenarios (i.e. if sts_output_html.php exists then use code case a if not then use code case B)? Mind you I suppose that is difficult with multiple contribs anyway....


Currently I am using a file versioning system to allow me to control my package installs locally which i then "check in " and "check out" to edit, and then upload when complete. So I am not sure if CIP is a better solution or not... I love the idea but not sure if its easier to manually code some things, especially when you have multiple installs that overlap, and use a versioning system instead...

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Hi. Looks like a great module to me.

How can i search contributions that is made for this installer?



I would like to know this too... can you tell us where you will store this info please?



Edited by wooly
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I also get the response during install....


PHP runtime messages:



1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax near '; ' at line 7


CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `contrib_installer` ( `ID` int(4) NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `line_number` int(5) unsigned default NULL, `file` varchar(255) default NULL, `contrib_name` varchar(255) default NULL );




Seems like there is more than one of us with this problem. Is this a problem with this contrib or is there a conflict that's not being recognized?

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