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Hi Tencents


i have upgraded to 2.5.3 and done as mentioned in the previous posts but now i have no products in the builder but i still have products in my osc categorys on main page.



not sure if i have done something wrong or forgot something.


i upgraded by just comparing and relplacing files, i didn't manual edit files


Mmm, I noticed that and wondered what you were doing. The problem is most likely with your prduct_list.php file. But your builder doesn't look modified - you should be able to just copy the new builder files over - especially prduct_list.php (lots of changes).


I'm trying to think what else might be causing it - will let you know if anything comes up.


I have just compiled a version 2.5.4 patch for the short descriptions problem mentioned in this forum - saves everyone trying to piece it all together.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people, especially in groups.

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Mmm, I noticed that and wondered what you were doing. The problem is most likely with your prduct_list.php file. But your builder doesn't look modified - you should be able to just copy the new builder files over - especially prduct_list.php (lots of changes).


I'm trying to think what else might be causing it - will let you know if anything comes up.


I have just compiled a version 2.5.4 patch for the short descriptions problem mentioned in this forum - saves everyone trying to piece it all together.


yeah i thought something was up to as i compared it to your demo site which says (best viewed in I.E.) but it isn't showing that on mine.


will check prduct_list.php and see if i am missing anything.

yeah i thought something was up to as i compared it to your demo site which says (best viewed in I.E.) but it isn't showing that on mine.


will check prduct_list.php and see if i am missing anything.


You did do the core edits as well? - there are some minor changes but they're big enough to cause this type of problem too.


Just another thought - prduct_list.php is very touchy, so the fact that it's showing something in the popup list (at all) suggests that prduct_list is okay. I doubt it also has anything to do with the short descriptions either as a problem there would show a completely empty box.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people, especially in groups.

i just swapped my backup prduct_list.php with the 2.5.3 version and it appears to work so i will definately check this file to see whats wrong with it



Never underestimate the power of stupid people, especially in groups.


i'm not good at debugging and i can't see what the problem is for me



not sure if this is related but in the admin section for the builder if i edit/add a catergory and then click update it clears all the changes including pictures. it has always done this for me so i have been creating categories in phpmyadmin.

However i can go in and edit the dependencies by clicking on the "green products" on the right. The update button appears to update in this section.


am i suposed to give permissions to certain files?

i'm not good at debugging and i can't see what the problem is for me



not sure if this is related but in the admin section for the builder if i edit/add a catergory and then click update it clears all the changes including pictures. it has always done this for me so i have been creating categories in phpmyadmin.

However i can go in and edit the dependencies by clicking on the "green products" on the right. The update button appears to update in this section.


am i suposed to give permissions to certain files?


Ouch - I only ever saw that once when I really started knocking this beast around, but I don't ever recall any of my releases having that kind of bug.


Give me a heads-up on your site; how heavily have you modded it, and if possible tell me what other contribs you are using. My main develoment platform has almost 200 mods and then there's all my tweaks as well, so if this builder can work there then I'm sure we can get yours going properly too.


No special permissions required - confirmed.


The admin/compbuild.php file does some hectic work on writing the config, a small error there could have major consequences. Along the way I have added and removed little bits of the DB tables so a few of those instructions may have fallen into the cracks on your side. The surefire way to get you into a known state is to completely uninstall - start with version 2.5.1 (full install), then all the patches up to date (2.5.4). Ignore the forum posts except that one about the 'fields=10' (which I have subsequently tested and it definitely sorts out the print preview). I would also suggest going by the manuals instructions - they're pretty straightforward and I always test in triplicate (local plain osc, live demo plain osc, and then my main dev site (local and live depending)) before releasing them (I'm a natural virgo yes!). The instructions are mainly find and replace - I like doing it that way and I like to be consistent so that for everyone else there are no surprise crypticals. I reckon you could do it in less than an hour.


Oh, and don't do any manual DB entries (sqls) for the install (if you go that way) - rather, after the install go to admin/builder settings and click 'update' to create the tables. And another suggestion - apply all the patches right up to 254 before touching the builder in admin or the frontend.


Failing that, I need to see your /admin/compuild.php and /catalog/prduct_list.php. I dunno if you could PM them to me, otherwise whatever works. I can't guarantee being of any use though as this could be a problem from any one of the related files and/or tables.


I hope some of all this helps - I see no reason why this thing shouldn't be working especially that it was running okay earlier.




Never underestimate the power of stupid people, especially in groups.

i have put prduct_list.php back to 2.5.2 backup for now and the print is working properly now.


will have another look at prduct_list.php ver2.5.3 tomorrow


thanks for your help


Looks like you've nailed it. All works and print looking okay.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people, especially in groups.


I installed oscommerce off my websites cpanel/fantastico installer which i am pretty sure is the latest version


This is my first contirb installed and is the only contrib i have running at the moment and i am pretty sure i started from 2.5.1. I


The builder currently is working with a combination of 2.5.3 and 2.51 and does everything i need it too so do you think i should reinstall it from scratch or just leave it for now? My motto is if it isn't broken don't fix it...so far it seems to work great. Should i hold out until ver 3?




Thanks for your help.


does anyone recommend a good oscommerce addon that will resize my images in the category section.

I find when i upload my pictures which can be different widths/height it resizes it to what i have set in admin\images which can make the images look stretched or squashed.


Also would does the builder do any resizing when displaying images in the drop downs?



is any way to change size of displayed image? in table products_image i have big images about 100KB each the creator works very long to show all images in products list,

in products_info.php i made a thumbnail (function html_output) how to use it in my prd_list? it is not possible co convert thousands of images and use another table to save it, any idea to use thumb in this contrib?

I installed oscommerce off my websites cpanel/fantastico installer which i am pretty sure is the latest version


This is my first contirb installed and is the only contrib i have running at the moment and i am pretty sure i started from 2.5.1. I


The builder currently is working with a combination of 2.5.3 and 2.51 and does everything i need it too so do you think i should reinstall it from scratch or just leave it for now? My motto is if it isn't broken don't fix it...so far it seems to work great. Should i hold out until ver 3?




Thanks for your help.


For now I would leave it - like you say.. ditto.


Version 3 is looking very good.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people, especially in groups.

it does not work with Firefox


Please explain. Apart from the product popup listbox looking slightly different (than in IE), I only know of one page where firefox doesn't work properly.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people, especially in groups.

Posted (edited)
does anyone recommend a good oscommerce addon that will resize my images in the category section.

I find when i upload my pictures which can be different widths/height it resizes it to what i have set in admin\images which can make the images look stretched or squashed.


Also would does the builder do any resizing when displaying images in the drop downs?


An absolute must for your store. I have two installed;


'On the Fly' Auto Thumbnailer using GD Library

Very straightforward and works well. Replaces the tep_image function so its sitewide in an instant.



This one uses the same GD library but has a lot more functions and control. Also quite easy to install. Also a tep_image replacement.


Out of the two I cannot say. I have a small (tiny) issue with oscThumb but AutoThumb lacks flexibility - if you pushed me into a corner I would go for the first one. I have both running, so when I flick the oscThumb switch off then the Auto Thumbnailer kicks in, and if I switch that off then it goes back to coal and steam.


The builder uses javascript to show the images and so does not take advantage of any osc graphics functions. This will change soon. For now the only control over those images is the size - if the image is 100k then the entire 100k is loaded, even if you just want it in a 50x50 pixel box - this is the advantage of the thumbnailers and thats why the builder must (and will) use it.

Edited by TENCENTS

Never underestimate the power of stupid people, especially in groups.


is any way to change size of displayed image? in table products_image i have big images about 100KB each the creator works very long to show all images in products list,

in products_info.php i made a thumbnail (function html_output) how to use it in my prd_list? it is not possible co convert thousands of images and use another table to save it, any idea to use thumb in this contrib?


Nothing available yet. Thumbnails will work in the builder soon - count on it.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people, especially in groups.

An absolute must for your store. I have two installed;


'On the Fly' Auto Thumbnailer using GD Library

Very straightforward and works well. Replaces the tep_image function so its sitewide in an instant.



This one uses the same GD library but has a lot more functions and control. Also quite easy to install. Also a tep_image replacement.


Out of the two I cannot say. I have a small (tiny) issue with oscThumb but AutoThumb lacks flexibility - if you pushed me into a corner I would go for the first one. I have both running, so when I flick the oscThumb switch off then the Auto Thumbnailer kicks in, and if I switch that off then it goes back to coal and steam.


The builder uses javascript to show the images and so does not take advantage of any osc graphics functions. This will change soon. For now the only control over those images is the size - if the image is 100k then the entire 100k is loaded, even if you just want it in a 50x50 pixel box - this is the advantage of the thumbnailers and thats why the builder must (and will) use it.


do you know how to tell if gd library is installed. I am using cpanel so i am not sure if i am or not

do you know how to tell if gd library is installed. I am using cpanel so i am not sure if i am or not


Create gdtest.php in your htdocs (root) folder, add the contents as follows:


	<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
	<title>GD Info</title>
	<style type="text/css" media="screen">
		body {
			font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
			font-weight: bold;
			font-size: 12px;
		div#centre {
			position: absolute;
			top: 50%;
			left: 50%;
			width: 360px;
			height: 360px;
			margin: -180px 0 0 -180px;
		div#list {
			width: 340px;
			border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;
			padding: 2px;
		p {
			color: #444; 
			font-size: 130%;
		span.success {
			color: #0a0;
		span.fail {
			color: #e00;
		span#labels {
			float: left;
			width: 300px;
	<div id="centre">		
		<p>GD is

if (function_exists("gd_info")) {
		<span class="success">supported</span> by your server!</p>
$gd = gd_info();	   

	foreach ($gd as $k => $v) {
	<div id="list">
		<span id="labels"><?php echo $k; ?></span>
		if ($v) {
		<span class="success">Yes</span>
		} else {
		<span class="fail">No</span>

} else {
<span class="fail">not supported</span> by your server!</p>


Now run it in your browser (eg. www.yoursite.com/gdtest.php or localhost/gdtest.php)


This will tell you if GD is working.


You could also try creating another php file - server_info.php and put this in it:




That'll tell you if GD is actually installed - somewhere in all that info.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people, especially in groups.




that worked perfectly . i got the following results:


GD is supported by your server!


GD Version Yes

FreeType Support Yes

FreeType Linkage Yes

T1Lib Support No

GIF Read Support Yes

GIF Create Support Yes

JPG Support Yes

PNG Support Yes

WBMP Support Yes

XBM Support Yes

JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support No


just as a rough rough estimate when do you think 3.0 will be out. I am abour 3/4 versions behind and I know once I update its just going to be another update. So how long you rekon for 3.0 full and what are some key features your adding :D

just as a rough rough estimate when do you think 3.0 will be out. I am abour 3/4 versions behind and I know once I update its just going to be another update. So how long you rekon for 3.0 full and what are some key features your adding :D


Yeah, I know, they just keep adding up. That's why I've turned all my attention to v3 - I don't want to be 'patching' all the way up to where this thing needs to be. Version 2.5.4 is good - almost everything works properly. I will only be fixing serious problems with that while I work on the new one.


Version 3 will most likely release as version 1 of a totally new contrib. I have taken this builder into a new dimension, far far away from being just a PC Builder, it is now a customizable custom products builder. And if I were to tell you about all the features I would be here for a long time.


The builder configuration settings have gone from a measly 4 to 56 (and I have another 16 at least to add). It is incredibly customizable, giving you absolute control over every step of the building process - without having to dive into the code. It builds single or individual products, deducts stock of components, honors tax, specials, nostocks and disabled products, full control over the component and popup component images (on/off,size), the same for short descriptions (on/off,length), fixed or flexible component pricing. I'll see if I have time to update the demo site so you can see how far I am.


Time... well, I cannot believe how much I've done already in the last week, I reckon I've got another week to go before it is squeaky clean.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people, especially in groups.


Okay, I've updated the demo site with what I am busy doing for version 3. There's a lot going on and I'll get round to everything - especially the admin settings (grouping and ease of use/understanding).


COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS ARE WELCOME !!! Let's get those bells and whistles in now while the time is right.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people, especially in groups.


This is a call for help.


I know there are going to be two issues which will delay the absolute finalization of this contrib, and I would like to release it finalized.


1. tep_image function (functions/html_output.php) - the builder needs this to take advantage of sitewide thumbnailers - I have played around with it a bit and cannot get it to call the tep_image function properly. I am using OTF AutoThumbnailer 2.3 (its GD Lib and the way it must be I think). The builder file calling the images is prduct_list.php (and maybe builder2.php).


2. dropping session ID when clicking 'add to cart / build product' - this will be a major issue in the new release and it too must be working properly. The builder file doing the redirect is builder2.php.


While I carry on wrapping the rest of this thing up I hope someone out there (with a bit of java under the belt) can provide the solutions to these two problems, before I do.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people, especially in groups.


I am no good at the coding but I think what your doing is amazing. Good work and looking forwards to it you deserve a HIGH FIVE in borat terms. Anyway a sugestion:


Dont know how do-able these would be but:

1. Have a option in admin for something like "Builder Layout" then 2 options, 1 for radio buttons like here ( http://www.wired2fire.co.uk/build.php ) and the 2nd option for it to be the layout like it is now.

2. How is the skinning going to be done, atm I have got the look I have now from endless about 4 days of trial and error changing different bits of code adding style="asoda;" whatever till it looks right. If there was some sort of skinning in later version that would be good. Just brain storming.

3. Have all the different parts of the builder with the option to enable / disable. Like just a long list of radio buttons in admin with just Yes or No. For each option like, Product description yes no, Small product image yes no, Product price you know just the more freedom atleast its there.


Anyway good look with it and 10 * for effort and good luck with the future coding.

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